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An idea and observation about range/power of saber issues.

Low Rent

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The way it is now each saber style has a specific range and power .


Light stance - short range- least amount of power.

Medium stance - medium range - average amount of power

Strong Stance - longer range- most amount of power.


This seems inherently backwards.


As you swing a saber, or a stick, or your fist etc. The power is dissapated the farther the swing has to travel. Reverse, this and the shorter the you have to swing (or the less you have to extend yourself to swing) the more power that will reach the target when it connects.


At the rate it is right now in game, a longer, slower swing is doing the most dammage when in essence the swing, upon reaching its target would have little power at all.


Conversely, the shorter swings are doing the least amount of damage.



Now of course I don't know what it takes to change something like that, so I won't really propose that something be done about it. It does however strike me as extremely odd that this is the case.


Low Rent

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Light - Blue - most flexible, more moves, least amount of power.


Medium - Yellow - less flexible, less moves, more power.


Strong - Red - least flexible, least moves, most powerful.


It goes from weak and highly complex moves (blue to medium) to very simplistic yet more powerful moves (red).


To my understanding the logic behind this is that the saber itself weighs more when more energy is pumped through it.


Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

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I mentioned this in the patch thread.


the LIGHT stance should be the hardest to block successfully. Simply because, faster attacks require faster reflexes, and should be harder to defend against.


If you're boxing, if you try to confuse your opponent with fast attacks, they won't do that much damage, but a lot of them WILL get in, as they come out very fast. Same goes for martial arts.


RED(heavy) stance should ALWAYS be easiest to block, BUT even on a successful block, you will take some damage. Maybe anywhere between 5-20 health, depending on which attack hits you (but you won't be knocked away or ejected). if you get up and personal with a red style attack ,right after it's blocked, you might be able to counter with your own BLUE or yellow "forward hack" attack (but obviously not red, as they might block it too).


We need more variety and balancing of the stances, instead of everyone running around like bunnies using red stance. And before you say "uh, just push them", you can't push in personal duels. Before you say "uh, just kick them', if they stand outside your range and zone you for the 1 hit jump kill, (street fighter and KOF players will understand exactly what I am talking about), you have to pray that you dodge their attack, as their constant jumping is very disorientating.


Oh---and whatever happened to BLUE STANCE ATTACKS BEING ABLE TO PARRY RED STANCE ATTACKS? (but you temporarly get "stunned"?). Or does this only happen in single player?

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Good points and nice ideas. Lets hope Raven is taking notes from all these great suggestions. :)


RED(heavy) stance should ALWAYS be easiest to block, BUT even on a successful block, you will take some damage. Maybe anywhere between 5-20 health, depending on which attack hits you (but you won't be knocked away or ejected).


I like this idea.....

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