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Personal jedi mod


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I have an idea, i got this idea after playing killer instinct (yeah i know its ancient now) and then playing JKO....NO DON'T RUN OFF.


i just thought that every jedi must be unique in style and appearance. I then had an idea, what if we could make a multiplayer mod where you can choose from a range of models, accessories and weapons.


The focus would be melee weapons, the lightsaber the double lightsaber, a big stick (joke).


i would like to have this mainly for duels, perhaps even have slow mo death sceans. Having said that my idea would work for all out ffa and capture the flag


you can build your charicter, then heres the good part (at least i think) you can then choose your stances, each with a percentage of range, damge, defence and speed.


The player would also be able to choose special moves which are preformed by doing certain things.


this way you could have more unique fighters and be able to recognise famous players.


the unique looks can be done with a few models and a range of skins.




i would also impliment a system where you can upgrade your skills and save them to your charicter so ppl can become attached to there player. To avoid newbie stomping, you can earn only a few points or even have no points at all.

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Don't forget the wooden spoon.. no jedi is complete unless he can wield a wooden spoon at will... heh... I like the idea... As i am not an editor i have no clue how possible it would be with the Q3 engine but judging by some of the stuff that came out with the jk engine and from hearing that q3 can do everything jk did and more, it should be possible right?... i dunno... I am but a cog in the wannabe editor world.. heh....

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