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someone please make this mod!!!!


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Could someone please make a mode for SP that makes the weapon damage lvls more cosistent to those in the movies. i mean, it shouldnt take 3-4 shots to drop a stormtrooper with a blaster rifle. even if i hit em in the head it still takes 2 shots, and the fact that it takes multiple shots to kill stuff with the disruptor (unless sniping on full charge) is rediculous. i guess it wouldnt be a problem if it wasnt so hard to hit the enemies,but its next to impossible to hit them while your trying to be evasive. When you have to clear out hoards of enemies from a room and basically stand still and pick off one guy multiple times it becomes very annoying. this is my only complaint about an otherwise excellent game. I just wish killing stormtroopers and other baddies was a little more like in the movies.

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Originally posted by Exar

I just wish killing stormtroopers and other baddies was a little more like in the movies.


Well, that's for show in the movies. They also have to keep the movie short and not a runtime of 2 weeks, so they make the killing "flashy".


All you're doing by making it more "realistic" to the movies, is making it more "unrealistic" in reality. Remeber, with the technology they're using in SW, it's quite feasible to believe that the stormtroopers armour really does protect them...


Just my 2 cents.

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I agree with you L2, you would think that the troopers armour would serve as some form of protection, otherwise they wouldn't be wearing it. Unless the empire\Remnant has some sort of fasion guru working behind the scene :) On the other hand, what about cretins such as the Rodian? They don't appear armoured in any way. Maybe they have a shield belt like kyle...:confused:

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To Sylohn: yes i would appreciate your offer very much, and im sure im not the only one who would be interested in that mod :)


To L2.0 and darth slayne: i never claimed i wanted the mod to make the game "more realistic". i just said i wanted to kill the enemies easier, and have the action be more consistant with the the movies. Geez dont claim you read someones post and then put your own words into their mouth. (read: i guess it wouldnt be a problem if it wasnt so hard to hit them). and, just like YOU said, i dont want to take forever clearing out hordes of enemies. I also happen think that stormtrooper armor should do a better job protecting than it does in the movies. i just have a hard enough time hitting them in SP while their moving and im moving, that im getting tired of having to stop, take careful aim, and hit 1 guy over and over, while i have 10 other guys gunning for me. i just want to plow through them with my trusty blaster rifle without burning up all my ammo. (and a disruptor would be a one hit kill, thats why their so feared and illigal)

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