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Force settings in MP games


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I've been wondering. What are the "best" Forcepoints to use in Jedi Knight/Jedi Master level for a light Jedi? (I'm always light).


I know there are many different oppinions about this, I'd like to hear which ones are "best" and why :) For light Jedi only though, no offense to the Dark ones here :)


If there already a thread about this, please flame me, and show me a link :)

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It really, really depends on your playing style.

I usually play to counteract Dark users, who use grip/lightning. And to some extent Drain, but let's not go there...

I also play with guns and a kamikaze style....therefore, protect and heal help me plenty :)


I put some points into seeing, especially on huge maps or those with easy snipe opps. Saber defense I put 2 in, not 3, and 2, sometimes 3 into jump. One in Pull, 3 in Push. One in Speed. If I don't have seeing, I put those points into Absorb.


And stuff.


- Twitch

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