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Let's have an end to Kick-Voting


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Originally posted by BrainStorm

I'm not going to bother.


Your poor grammar makes it rather hard to follow you anyway.


There was nothing wrong with the grammar in his posts, which is more than I can say for your own.



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Raynaga, do you have a point to make here? I am trying to debate the issue of ending the abuses of kickvoting. It seems that this thread has degraded to nothing more than random attempts to start flame wars.


Was there a particular reason that you felt the need to stand up for Con. Snake?


The same question goes to you Con. Snake as well. Why did you jump in the middle of the debate I was having with ArtifeX?


If it is a battle that you think you're seeing here, then I think that ArtifeX is more than able to fight it himself.

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Originally posted by BrainStorm

My opinion is that the *ASC* is only there to antagonize the -SC-. Maybe not all of them; but just the ones that abuse the tag.


ArtifeX, you just are not going to let go of that public/private issue are you? All servers are private. Some just have passwords. I re-read the constitution and the bill of rights and there is no mention of Jedi Outcast in there; so all the arguments about peoples rights do not apply.


No, all servers are not private. When a server is set up, the admin makes his decisions about how he wants it run. If he chooses to password it, then it is private to anyone who he decides to give the password to; otherwise, it is public.


I haven't made any arguments about peoples rights.


And for the last time, bowing is not a requirement of the -SC-. If you go and read the -SC- combat code, you will see that it plainly states that when challenging an opponent, it is your choice to bow or to taunt. It just so happens that most prefer to bow.


Then it just so happens that most *ASC* will think they are stupid.


What do you mean no rules? Let me check my manual... Here it is...


Maximum Players: a rule

Time Limit : another rule

Kill limit : more rules?

Enable voting : wait just a second. You mean the server operator has a choice? Then that's a rule too.


I believe i was speaking about rules of etiquette.


And why can't we run Pac-Man on someone's public server???? Its public right?!?! If it is supposed to be for everyone, why should it only be for JKII??!?!! GAFB.


I saw a faint glimmer of a point in there, but I lost it suddenly.

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I haven't made any arguments about peoples rights.


If the search function was working, I would go back and find the thread where you said that it was the person's right to play the way they want on a public server. I searched thread by thread for a while and then gave up trying to find it. There are too many threads that are basically about the same subject.



I believe i was speaking about rules of etiquette.


Point conceeded. I recant my previous statements to you about the rules.

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If I started a dedicated server, I would list certain "RULES" that when me or another admin was presant would need to be adhered too.


I don't give a **** about Sc or ASC.


If someone with an ASC handle came on my server and broke my server rules, I kick/ban them if they don't follow them after a warning or two.



In a way the server may be public, but it is still private property of sorts, unless you want to pay me for the Pc I am using to host the server, and the network, I make the rules, you follow them or be kicked, and possibly banned.


Having ASC, SC in your handle means nothing to me in either case.


If I decide to put up a server, I plan on playing with the different game types a lot, and when I am on I might start a public FFA saber only game but have it so it runs more like a special duel server.


Lets say I got 10 people on the server, Since I am the Admin what I say goes according to the rules of "MY" server.


My rules would be fair, and I would listen to protesters of course, in a democratic way so don't shoot me before I get a chance to say that much.


Now lets say all ten or 8 out of ten agreed to do a kind of specialized duel. the others could sit and watch the two dueling, or fight apart as they wished to practice. but for whatever reason "Duel mode" Isn't on. Lets say we have all kinds of fun variations, the better players fight two on one three on one ETC.


things like that. i know a lot of people who liked doing this when I played once or twice late at night on some random saber only servers.


now here comes knucklehead. Knucklehead like most people doesn't read the blurb in the server list that lists various rules (like respect the admins for example).


Knucklehead comes in and jumps the people sitting around watching and the people dueling.


so I give a warning: excuse me knucklhead but we are running a special match here, I left the server public to invite people in, so I'm not pissed, but please don't attack the people dueling in "X" location, or attack those who are spectating without warning, thanks.


Knucklehead respawns after getting his ass handed to him, and races back, gripping a few guys off the side of somehting, or generally being disruptive in a similar way, dispite this warning.


he gets kicked. If he comes back and keeps it up, well guess what, Ban is a great thing...


If anyone debates this, than I don't care, your banned from my server, end of story, go tell it to someone who cares.


Like I said I don't give a rats ass about SC or ASC, but if you ignore an admin or the general server rules, don't expect some Sc or ASC tag to save your ass from a good admin.


If this kind of thing bothers you, like I said, either pay me the money to run the server or find another one.


So if you run into a server where people are bowing and being polite, regardless of game type (FFA or otherwise), and the servers rules clearly state that politness rules of some kind are in effect, don't whine and bitch about being evicted from the server for breaking a rule, you don't own said server...


Now if someone kicked/baned you simply for being good, thats a completely new story entirely.


Me and a friend who used play counterstrike for YEARS, got banned one night from our new favorite server simply for beating the crap out of the admin and his team effortlessly. We where accused of cheating and the whole nine yards... I kept saying, look I we have been playing since beta 5, we just know how to play in ways you people who just started with alpha 1 never thought of yet.


I didn't say anything offensive, least it shouldn't be taken as such.


By the end of one dust match, me and my friend ended up with 5 to one ratios and pretty much won. So we split up for the next map...


this still wasn't good enough because we still both dominated too well. the admin had had enough and banned us on the spot.


this kind of thing pisses ANYONE off. Especialy people who don't cheat. In the past I saw this same admin smacking players for beating him (hits the player with a bolt of lightning killing them, or getting them stuck in the floor).


My first day on this server almost was my last since one time he was fighting three guys, and I killed one saving his ass... He smacked me saying I stole his kill... Needless to say this kind of kicking should be outlawed, but keeping kick voting in is the lesser evil... Argue all you won't I don't care, cuz I won't be back to this thread, I've said my peace, now go ahead and flame me till the sun burns out, I won't be here to feel it... bye

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Originally posted by Demangel

If I started a dedicated server, I would list certain "RULES" that when me or another admin was presant would need to be adhered too.


I don't give a **** about Sc or ASC.


If someone with an ASC handle came on my server and broke my server rules, I kick/ban them if they don't follow them after a warning or two.




I've always said that being kicked by the owner/admin of the server is fine. You're paying for it after all. Being Callvote-kicked by people playing in someone else's server is what I think is lame.

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Last night on a server, we had a player in a team deathmatch game who thought it was hilarious to repeatedly throw him self into pits, racking up -30 kills(!) before anyone really noticed. We started asking him wtf he was doing and he says 'oops, sorry I am soo clumsy...I must be the worst player ever!' and kept it up. Finally we got everyone on the team to kick him off the server (and when he came back we did it again). Because of his being an ass (probably a friend of someone on the other team), we of course lost the level.

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I hate to start this up again but...


Sunday morning I entered a server with about fifteen people on it. There were no other -SC- or *ASC* tags on the server or players. (other than me)


There was a kickvote with my name on it within five seconds of me entering. I had not even enough time to swing my sabre once!


And what was worse was that eight other sheep went along with it, and voted "Yes". The vote failed.

Ha HA! "F" all yall!


Since it was a new server to me, and that my clan is new to JKII, I can only assume that it was the -SC- tag that started the vote against me.


ArtifeX, I can now feel your pain.

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It sucks to see the Kick Voting get abused in that way ArtifeX, but surely you must admit that there is a sturdy point to it, like in Morbrion's post. I tend to play on servers with level headed players who play on about the same skill level as me so perhaps that is why I have never been kicked or almost kicked...perhaps you need to be more selective in where you play? It seems to me that the servers with the people that kicked you would be less fun to play on anyway since they would be filled with people that are automatically biased against you.


Perhaps the simplest soloution would be to remove your code denotation so that people don't generalize... The fact is that both 'codes' show a certain amount of closed mindedness.

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:confused: I go against my clan here and agree with kicking someone for there tag is pretty dang close to rasiosism. Although you may be wrong they could have done something before or just have had really affensive. But banning kicking?!!! thats the most retarted thing i have ever heard if you dont like what there voting dont vote! haha its that simple. hey you can even vote against it.
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Then again, as I see it, Artifex's code distinction is actually probably closer to what the dev team intended (with the natural flow of the game) than the saberist code.


Think about it. In order to use the Saberist Code, you have to DENY and AVOID USING many of the core elements of the game. You have to follow fan-made rules that someone who just got the game has no idea exist.


So in that sense, it would seem more natural to consider the saberist code people the odd men out, trying to force their alien views on others.


I'm not saying they shouldn't get to play the game the way they want to, but I think that is a nice counterpoint to the people trying to claim that the ASC is somehow "anti" fun or "anti" game. If you want to see it in those terms, it appears the opposite is true.


Sort of like if you bought out Dairy Queen (or Basken-Robbins or whatever your favorite ice cream joint is) and then you forced them all to sell only vanilla.


Hey, I love vanilla, and I think most ice cream fans can appreciate it... but do you see my point?

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I do see your point, but...


I don't think the -SC- denies and avoids the core elements. Tell me what part of the code denies anyone anything.


And no one is forced to do anthing. If they want to adopt the code, fine. If not, fine.


The problem comes in when people wear the -SC- tag when their actions in the game do not warrant it. Those are the people that kick others for no other reason than they are getting beat or they see an *ASC* tag.


They are the only people that deserve the "anti" tag.

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What do wookies have that no other species have???
















ok ok... I do have better jokes, just too lazy to type them out. Oh for the record. Artifex is a big cheater. He has no skill. He only wins because his lightsaber is 2 inches longer than everyone elses. :)

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Originally posted by JediMo


ok ok... I do have better jokes, just too lazy to type them out. Oh for the record. Artifex is a big cheater. He has no skill. He only wins because his lightsaber is 2 inches longer than everyone elses. :)



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