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Freeze -> exit to desktop -> high gamma


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I've only just bought the game, I played for about 10 mins, barely got anywhere before I began to experince this massive problem. Basically the game freezes and loops the same sound file over for a while. The Hard disk starts accessing like crazy and eventually it throws me back to the desktop with a fatal error message. Now I'm back to the desktop and for some strange reason the gamma levels are way too high and can only be fixed by a restart. This is obviously an unplayable problem which needs fixing so any help would be much appreciated.


Here are some specs if useful:


Athlon XP 1700+

GeForce 4 ti4400 (DetonatorXP 28.32)

256Mb PC133 SDRAM

Videologic SonicFury Soundcard

ABIT KT7A Motherboard

Windows XP Pro


Thanks (hopefully)


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I have the same Problem, However i have a Geforce 4 TI4600. It seems to ba a problem with Geforce 4's and certain driver vers. I used the 27.70 from guru3d and they lowered the chances of crashing. My previous Geforce2 running 23.11 had not a single problem whatsoever. Jedi seems to be the only game so far that crashes on me with my new card.



Hope this helps.




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