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Looking for US based Sabering crew...


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Hi, everyone.


I've checked out some of the Clan ads here, but it seems as though quite a few are overseas (in relation to me).


Here's what I'm looking for:


1) Active group. I've seen enough of the 'here today/gone tomorrow' groups, that you can never seem to find playing online anywhere.


2) Mature players. Being an older player (and having been a clan leader a few times myself in the past), I'd rather hook up with like-minded/aged players. IOW, people who understand that life does have priority over 24/7 gaming. Also, people who play in a respectful manner (no whining/*****ing/etc..)


3) Server to play on. While it's great to server-hop, having a 'home' server is important to me.


4) Regular practice at a decent hour. I'm on the East Coast; practicing at 12am EDT/EST is a bit much. ;)


5) In-house ladders. These can be a lot of fun, and everyone learns, in my experience


6) Regular Scrims/Matches. Goes along with #1, and the second line of #5


I consider myself a solid saberist (saberologist?) and can hold my own.


Thanks for taking the time to read this.



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Hey you must not have seen any of my posts...


The Dark Sentinels are a saber only clan with a dedicated T3 server in NY. the East Coast players generally can expect about 30 ping on it.


We have not set an age restriction, per se, but most members are over 20.


Though we are one clan, we have devided into 3 (soon to be 4) distinct training crews to facilitate practice schedules for a greater group of members. This also allows us to have in-house scrimmages, etc. Our ladder goes active on May 1st, which will allow a little more practice time for those of us who are a little slow to learn.


Check us out:






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