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What's the worst thing about this game


What's the worst part about this game  

68 members have voted

  1. 1. What's the worst part about this game

    • People using cheap tactics in multi-player.
    • Saber fights being way too random.
    • Staying stuck at one point or another in SP.
    • Saber throw, force lightning and unblockable guns.
    • Lack of nice looking skins and models.
    • The general attitude of people in MP.

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I believe what's making the game less fun than it could be are the glaring multi-player imbalances and flaws, namely:


-The overwhelming strenght of the "Death from above" move

-The imbalances of guns : Most guns are useless, except for the second trigger of the Repeater and Flechette gun. Detonators are viable also. When someone uses one of these guns, he will get tons of effortless kills.

-Pushing/grippind people down holes. Most people outgrow it, but it's those who don't that ruin it for the rest of us.

-Those who think the game should only be about winning. People against a code of honor, for example, are like this : They don,t want it to be common because it will keep them from using cheap tactics and getting many kills.


And many more... post your ideas

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I pick all of the above, and also add "The game constantly freezing on my really great system!!" There needed to be more skins from all of SW and Kyle should've been in black or a good darkkyle skin should've been in the game. Single player is ridiculously hard and the puzzles are stupid and too tedious. I think Raven just threw the game together, dumped us, and moved on to SOF2.

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Originally posted by Demolisher

I pick all of the above, and also add "The game constantly freezing on my really great system!!" There needed to be more skins from all of SW and Kyle should've been in black or a good darkkyle skin should've been in the game. Single player is ridiculously hard and the puzzles are stupid and too tedious. I think Raven just threw the game together, dumped us, and moved on to SOF2.


:violin: :violin: :violin::rolleyes:



once again it's ravens fault that you cant run it....


why dont you have your urinal cake and eat it too?:D j/k;)

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Saber throw? Why is that up there. I am so sick of people complaining about saber throw. It's a great move and it's simple to avoid if you are any good at all.


The entire community is lame. There is always someone spamming DFA, always some moron whineing about throw, people yelling, not respecting each other. I have been playing this game since it came out and I have only met 6 people who are actually nice, honorable, kind, considerate, respectable people. *sigh*

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The one and only real gripe I have with JKII is how they completely revamped and, in my opinion, ruined saber fighting in multiplayer. A bunch of moves are done differently, or are less effective, too many new/stupid Force abilities and it's just overall too darned slow and dull compared to singleplayer.


Once we get a mod (or, dare I hope, a patch?) for that, I'll actually play MP. Until then, its back to spawning countless Tavions and Desanns in SP for me.

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Yeah, I don't really mind getting killed by the Death Star (repeater secondary) or the Doomsday Cannon (flak secondary), or getting flung off cliffs or dying in one hit from strong stance. It's part of the game and I do it to other people too.


What bugs me are the people who scream, whine and moan when it happens to them. We're talking about a game here where deaths aren't recorded and generally don't matter. Okay, death matters in Duels and small games, but in a one-on-one fight it's a lot easier to counter guns and strong stance.


If you really want to get ticked off when you die, play Deus Ex multiplayer, where you have to build up your powers and weapon skills by getting kills and you lose them all when you die. Then see how you feel when you have a ten-kill streak going and you get blown up by some random grenade. Dying in Jedi Outcast is nothing, you just lose your guns -- but that shouldn't matter to all the gun-haters who decide never to play on Saber Only servers anyway.


For the record, the force powers I use most are absorb, push, pull and heal, and I use all three stances about equally in a normal game.


Sorry about that rant, but I really needed to get that out of my system. Oh, and I hate people who whine about people who whine about people who whine, because I know there'll be about a dozen of those people posting in this thread.



The one complaint I have with Single Player is that the puzzles don't make sense. I remember a review praising JK, going on about how logical the puzzles were, even if they weren't obvious right away. Jedi Outcast is the exact opposite of this. Make us use our force powers, great. But use a little common sense. Don't have guys guarding a switch in some random location in space that no one but Kyle could possibly get to. Maybe you could have those guys blow up a bridge, knock down a ladder or block an elevator shaft. Then you would still need to figure out how to get there, and it would actually make sense.

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O.K. You guys are probably going to flame me for this but, flame away. Why exactly do you focuse only on the things that are wrong with the game? Hmm! WHY!!! It's strange! Personally, I like to play the game for what it is. A good game. Sure, there are things wrong with it, but hey, what game doesn't have problems! Just play the game and have fun, for crying out loud! Again I'm going to be flamed, and flamed forociously, but I'm going to say it.



*Gets on flame-proof suit*

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Grr I had some great stuff, but now it's gone (stupid browser), dammit.


Anyway, push, pull and grip happen. In levels like nar shadda they are incredibly useful. They are all blockable and avoidable. For this reason they are not cheap. Saying they are cheap is like saying mind trick is cheap because you didn't get force seeing. They also have some very important game play functions. I was just playing CTF, and only with pull was my team able to stop the speeding flag carrier from getting away.


The saber throw, is a bit annoying. I played a guy who only threw his saber and never attacked. Everytime you'd go for an attack, bam throw. Very annoying. I should've figured someway to counter, but I couldn't.


The guns issue, I agree partly. The primary guns used in multi are the rocket launcher, flechette, imp repeater. Explosives are used a bit too. The reason? They are the only weapons effective against a saberist using level 3 defense. Yes the saberist can push any of these back, yet with the repeater they rate of fire is too fast to really defend yourself. So I pull the gun, which doesn't always work. The only change I would hope for is a VERY slight decrease in someway to imp repeater either decrease in fire speed or splash damage or splash radius. This would still keep the repeater very effective, but require the user to have a bit more finesse instead of holding the fire button down. I does take skill to take down a saberist using this gun, I don't deny that, but I think it should take a little more skill.


DFA, hmmm. It's annoying to die from it. But nothing's really wrong with it. Just don't die from it. It's really quite avoidable. I agree that the saber stuck in the ground should not deal damage, but that's all I would care to change. It's an effective move that gives the strong stance a little movement.


Oh well there are my thoughts. Enjoy,



BTW- I voted for attitude. Today I had a great game with some great people. No one yelled out cheap or ***** or anything. Most of the time it's people telling people to f' off for pushing them and crap like that. Another guy just kept calling people faggots. **** guys, be civil.

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1. The kissing between Jan and Kyle. - the motion going from regualr stance to the kissing animation was very jerky and not smooth. It took away from the moment for sure.

2. Kyle's face - especially his teeth. It just looks.... weird.

3. Luke's face - whats with the bags?

4. Mon Mothma's face - WHOA! NOW THAT'S SCARY



I realize that skinning is hard and so is modeling. I mean they did a better job than i could do.


But thats what i didn't like about the game.





i also didn;t like how they handled no gravity when you are on the doomgiver. Wasn't as good as in MoTS.


oh hell, i keep thinking of new things!!!! BAD POST BAD!


Galak's suit. Seemed very.... not Star Warszy and i just didn't like it very much.




Other than that, i loved the game.:D :D :D

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I'm gonna poke my head out of my hole to make a quick response to this:


"They don't want it to be common because it will keep them from using cheap tactics and getting many kills. "


I disagree with this point. I would not want a common Code of Conduct which would blanket the entire online JKII community because it would take away my right to choose. If a universal COC was established (a very big if as who would be the one to choose what was acceptable conduct and what not) then much of the diversity in the game would be lost. Sure, it can be annoying to encounter someone who uses drain almost exclusively and always seems to be comming after you. Or worse yet, someone who'll not only use the arms only Kyle model but will run around spamming DFA. And though there are quite a few people that do things like that, they're not the majority. The majority of people play JKII online to enjoy themselves by blasting/slashing/zapping a few people for a half hour or two. Many of them don't even care or know about all of the happenings on the forums, these or others. If you start to impose a COC on them then you not only ruin their fun but take away whatever they might have been able to offer the community that was unique to them.


This game simply kicks ass. Yes, there are times when it can be slightly aggrivating, but you still play it don't you? Even when you get angry at people who use tactics you consider cheap you still play and enjoy it, don't you? So why bother complaining when you could be spending time enjoying yourself? Just focus on all the happy, good things that JKII has to offer. They far outweigh the negatives!

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Quit whining about "cheap" tactics! It was all put in the game for a reason! Don't like the saber throw. TOUGH! It's not going anywhere so quit wasting your time crying about it to mommy while you could be getting better at it. The worst part is that IT'S BLOCKABLE!!!!


The Death From Above red stance move, try rolling ANY WAY BUT THE DIRECTION IT'S COMING FROM! You'll avoid it.


Getting dropped off cliffs... well.... Sh-t happens! this game isn't god's gift to computer gamers!



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Well, one way to avoid being pushed around so much, is to give yourself level 3 Pull. And to avoid being gripped to death or thrown around, level 3 Absorb (as a light Jedi).


As Dark Jedi.. drain them and they won't have mana to do that stuff to you!


For me, probably the worst thing about JK2 is the "annoying" factor of some of the puzzles in SP. I could complain about the "lack" of certain features or extra skins I would liked to have seen, but that's what the mod community (and a hopeful expansion from Raven) is for!


As to cheap tactics.. I find it far more annoying to listen to people whine about cheapness than to actually have it used on me in games. ; P

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1) lack of realistic saber combat (increased saber damage) and decapitations / body slicing in MP


2) fumbling duels ("jousting")


3) Singleplayer didn't agree with me at all


4) Uninspiring player models and skins



Having said that, what do I think are the BEST things about this game?


1) Schwanky sabers


2) Cool flippy acrobatics


3) Fun force powers


4) SOME appropriate-looking saber moves


A mixed bag. Still the best saber-combat game out there.


Still the ONLY saber-combat game out there.

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i've gotta go with the general attitude in MP, it really bites. People seem fixated on excuses when they are beat. For me if I get my @$$ kiked I get back in line and look forward to a re-match after all it is only a game. But some people just take it too far.

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Originally posted by Azraelt

Saber throw? Why is that up there. I am so sick of people complaining about saber throw. It's a great move and it's simple to avoid if you are any good at all.


The entire community is lame. There is always someone spamming DFA, always some moron whineing about throw, people yelling, not respecting each other. I have been playing this game since it came out and I have only met 6 people who are actually nice, honorable, kind, considerate, respectable people. *sigh*


I concur with your experience.


To many pimply faced, have no life losers want to pretend the saber is their manhood.


The game was built with guns and holes so you can use grip and pull. I thougt this was ovbvious.


Boy In A Wheelchair

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Originally posted by Darth Seph

i've gotta go with the general attitude in MP, it really bites. People seem fixated on excuses when they are beat. For me if I get my @$$ kiked I get back in line and look forward to a re-match after all it is only a game. But some people just take it too far.


Absolutely. You've got to take the good with the bad......as it happens, I enjoy getting my arse handed to me on a platter almost as much as I enjoy doing the handing, because it almost always teaches me something about the game that I can use to improve my own skills or play enjoyment.


The average JO player just needs to lighten up :)

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