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What exactly do i need to make a map!!


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this is an honest question.

I need to know what editor(s) i need to make a single player map.

i don't want to make kyle fart fire, or have a lightsaber that spins around like a helicopter and fly's me all over the map. I just want to make a NORMAL SP adventure..

I read a post where someone said you needed quake 3. i don't like quake3 , so does this mean i can't make a level ?

If not....i also need some tutorials. Where can i go about looking for these.

I'm not a computer geek or programmer or anything like this, i just want to tinker around after my grueling yet pleasant day at Home Depot and hopefully make some sp levels instead of multiplayer onesi see for every game....


feel free to e-mail me at uptheirons@earthlink.net

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For now, yes you do need Quake 3 to make levels. There IS that convertor program, but I have yet to have a Q3 level actually converted into a working JK2 level with it, even a simple cube room with nothing in it but one light.


If you did have Q3, you could make a level for it with JK2 textures and test it with Q3. When you felt like it was ready for the public, you could nicely ask one of the guys at Raven (don't recall who, ask around) if they would compile it for you.


Editors are here. You'll want either Q3Radiant or GTKRadiant. Q3Radiant is the one id Software made, and is supposedly buggy (haven't had any problems with it so far) and isn't updated anymore, but GTKRadiant is constantly updated. Everybody says to use GTKRadiant, but I personally can't stand the GTK interface so I use Q3Radiant. When it comes down to it, there really isn't much of a difference between the two. Both will make perfectly fine levels.


As for tutorials...


The Tutorial Index

Q3Workshop <--- I highly recommend this one.

Bubba's Tutorials

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Goodies? What kind of goodies?



I do use the q3map from GTKR. The Q3R would take 30 seconds to compile a simple map while the GTKR one takes less than one. :D


More compile options? That's what Q3Build is for. :) I also could not get GTKBuild to work at all with GTKR. GTKR simply refused to acknowledge the plugin's existence.


I simply cannot get used to the interface, even when I deliberately try to make myself get used to it. All GTK-compiled programs have that interface, and it annoys me to death and beyond. It's just clunky as hell.



For somebody new to mapping, by all means use GTKRadiant. I recommend it. Everything will be new to you anyway. It's just that I personally can't use it, and Q3R will still let me make maps.

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well unfortunate for me I do not own a copy of quake 3 arena. I'm not into the whole online Gaming thing much and am not going out to buy this just to edit a level. So....i am trying to find it pirated!!! but, i highly doubt i'll be able to download it anywhere.


Thanks for all the advice anyway!

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