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Stuck on MInes


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Since you've found the tram bay, you're progressing. Now, this doesn't do anything at the moment, but it will do something later in the game. I expect that you've also found the room with the GONK droid next to a room that has some sort of heating process going on. You need to get into this room. However, if you go in, you get toasted. So, you need to turn off the heat. There's no switch, so you have to do it the hard way. Go out of the control room attached to the "red" room. You should be on a catwalk overlooking a river of green sludge. Look down. There should be a black pipe. Get in the pipe and follow it around. See the red pipes on the walls and on the elevator thingy? Destroy them, and no more heat. Go up the elevator, climb onto one of the hovercarts, and you're ready to begin the next phase.

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