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The kick as a weapon...


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I just finished playing on a 20player FFA Saber server.


All these people, spinning, swiping, draining, etc. Massive free for all. Tried challenging a few to duels, and got cut to pieces with my saber off. Oh, well, that happens....


I started kicking people, and just went insane with it! I had 35killz, and about 20 of them came off of kicks.


My two favorite:


1) DFA spammer, rolled under him, changed direction in mid roll so I'd be near him, kicked him while he was crouched (at the end of the DFA move). "Kicked to the face by -=Tekken=-";)


2) 4 players crowd me into a corner, hacking away. Kick. 1 dead. Kick 2 dead. Kick 3 AND 4 dead. OMG, I was laughing so hard I didn't see the gripper until it was too late!:D


It got so that someone accused me of being a "Kick W**re". Is that a first, or what? LMAO!


The funniest thing to me was a couple of players drained me, thinking I was using PUSH, and were so pissed that I could still put them on their backs. They'd drain again, and again, and all the while I'd be running up on 'em for the kick. WooHoo!


It's definitely a part of my arsenal now!

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Ever try a pull-kick combo? If you have some guy trying to back up away from you, pull him to you and pop them in the forehead. The best part is, it has a chance of knocking them to the gound, right where you land :) :) :) :)


One of my favorite moves




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Gotta work on that.


Everytime I try it, they go right by me....:(


I can get them sometimes with a side flip, but the timing is brutal!


Got some laughs on NS; this one guy kept standing still, so I couldn't push him off a ledge, so I kicked him off instead....did this to him 3 times, before he asked me how I was knocking him off.


Told him, of course, and he paid me back! Got him back in the two duels we had, kicked him off the platform...hehe...


Gotta love this game.....:D


I have a question, though: When I push someone down, they can jump right up. It seems (and I've only been doing this starting tonite) that if you kick someone down, they have a harder time getting back up. Is this the case? Or can they just be so surprised that they forget to jump back up?



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Originally posted by Tekken

I have a question, though: When I push someone down, they can jump right up. It seems (and I've only been doing this starting tonite) that if you kick someone down, they have a harder time getting back up. Is this the case? Or can they just be so surprised that they forget to jump back up?




you can get up faster by pushing "jump" very fast and often while falling or laying on the floor. theres no difference between being kicked or pushed down imho, maybe the ones you kicked are just too stupid... :D

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