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The stupidist move someones attempted on you.


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I ahve decided to create a thread where you can state the stupidist move someone has tried to do to you.


Well heres mine


Well im winning the 'everything allowed' FFAserver with nothing but a saber and the force on my side (everyone was using guns) so i felt proud to be winning. Anyway on the yavin CTF map The tunnels built into the side of the hills, someone thought he was good and after i was beating him with the saber ran away and ppicked up the rocketlauncher, there were also mines placed around the rocket launcher. He picked it up changed to it instantly jumped up against the wall then ass soon as he fired the rocket i force pushed and it instantly went back at him pining him agaisnt the wall and making him look like he exploded in a ball of fire as the mines went off at the same time.


I found this to be stupid because someone running around with a saber only and winnign the server must have some skill (sorry for braggin there) but he/she still decided to rip out the launcher and ultimately kill himself... even though i got the kill coz i pushed it back at him.

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once a guy on deathstar was running at me firing rockets in the hall outside the big open space, and i pushed them back, BUT HE JUST KEPT ON, until one hit him.


also a guy kept doing that with the alt-fire on the repeater, and i kept knocking them back at him until he died...

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Red special attack.



It's buggy and it's death to 56kers, hence, it's stupid to me.


Buggy because it still causes damage when the saber is in the ground and it has a cone-shaped damage area that extends past the end of the saber instead of only causing damage when the saber itself hits something.


Death to 56kers because once somebody starts the jump, and you see it and move out of the way, by the time the server gets the data saying that you have moved out of it's reach, it's already cut you down. This is with a ping of about 200 too.

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This was with a reborn... In the middle of fighting - he was a sabre length away from me. He starts to do the spinning hilt taunt! I'm thinking "what the fu...?".


At this point I pushed him into that rotating thing making him disintergrate.


I think you would know the guy I'm talking about because there isnt too many spinning things which disintergrate you apon touching it in the game.

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I like it when people run around or jump on the catwalks on the...damn it, the name escapes me all of a sudden...the dark city map with all the catwalks building in the middle of them. Sure, it pisses people off after a while, and I try not to do it too much, but if you run around on those planks swinging a saber in Strong Stance, you're begging to be Force-choked or Pushed into the abyss.

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The stupidest move done on me was on ffa_ns_streets. Dueling on a platform. The moron tries to do a jump attack, but he ended up jumping straight up as far as he could go, and when he hit the ground he did a roll(whether it was an accident or to absorb the impact I dunno) and the dumbass rolled right off the edge into oblivion.

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I was being attacked by these two people on the Bespin Dueling ring and they had formed an alliance, so they were both charging at me from either side, I jumped up as they swung their red stance and they hit each other, I landed, turned around and they were still not in the ready position with the saber so I pushed them right off the edge. It was funny because they were bragging to everyone.

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Originally posted by Azraelt

I was being attacked by these two people on the Bespin Dueling ring and they had formed an alliance, so they were both charging at me from either side, I jumped up as they swung their red stance and they hit each other, I landed, turned around and they were still not in the ready position with the saber so I pushed them right off the edge. It was funny because they were bragging to everyone.


Did something similar in JKI vs two other guys.


Friend of mine (who kicks even my ass in JK, and I've never lost) went up against two other guys who got sick of losing.


This was on the Duel level that they recreated for JKII.


Anyway, they ran at him, he ran at them, did one double swing, killed both of them in the same swing. They quit the server!


About the stupidest thing I've done is vs Tavion. I threw my sabre at her and it bounced over the edge and into the abyss.


I had to turn on no clip to go find it! LOL! I'll never do that again!



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Mine is when some guy was bragging about how great he was and kicking our asses because he had so many kills (He was pushing and gripping people down holes on streets of NS). Me and another honorable player proceed to beat him 10 times in a row in duels.

He died horrible, horrible, horrible deaths in very entertaining fashion, 4 times out of 5 without even touching us.


On a side note, I also had fun fighting another bragger with my saber off, dodging all of his attacks and kicking him to death.

It's also fun to kick someone off a platform, and I feel a lot less cheap than if I push someone off it (Which I never do) :D


Btw, when you lose your saber in SP down a bottomless pit or something, it appears right back in your hand after a while, you don't have to go look for it.

If you want to have fun losing your saber around, then throw it and press 1 to shut it off while it's in the air :D

I like calling it back and catching it during a back flip!

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Mine once was when somebody was walking off walls and I used Force Push and pushed him into oblivian.


And when ppl use Foce Jump lvl 3 on ffa_bespin_streets on the Helicopter platform I like to


A) Force Push Them off of the Platform

B) Force Grip them so they are in the air being choked so when they fall they die

C) I use Heavy Stance and when they are almost on the ground I take a big swipe and they fly like 50 feet away and die hitting the ground or falling off.


My stupiedest moves!!

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well ill have to change the topic to "the stupidest move ive ever done".....but thinking about it, it isnt too stupid!


well, i had only been playing on MP for 1 day so i was still very unskilled compared to everyone else and i was on a team FFA server. i was on reds and i suddenly found myself with a blue jedi to the left of me, blue jedi to the right and trip mines to the front!!


at this point i realised i wasnt gonna survive much longer than 3 seconds so i thought "what the hell? why dont i go out in style!" so i ran right into the trip mines causing a massive explosion all around me! there was about 2 or 3 of them there!


in the end i think i only killed one person which truely makes my move:





Divine Spirit

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