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Edited Sabers won't load!!!!


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I have edited the default sabers using adobe photoshop, then saved them. Then, I packed them all up into a pk3 file using winzip. Then I put that file into my gamedata/base directory, then loaded the game, and it gave me the DEFAULT SABERS. I can load other people's sabers, but not mine. WHY? I have even gone so far as to take someone else's sabers and change just one of them - the green one - the put it back in the pack and try to load it. When i do this all the other custom sabers load EXCEPT the one that i edited, WHAT THE HECK IS WITH THIS???

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I've done all those things exactly and none of my tries will work!!!! I've even tried sabers that I just make completely solid with no blue at all, and they wont load, so I know its not the way Im coloring them. WHAT CAN IT BE???!!!??

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Maybe its the way Im packing them, I just select the files I've changed, right click then add to zip file. Then I make the file a .pk3 and choose no compression. I dont put the files in any certain order, do I have to put them in some kind of order? This is starting to suck really bad.....

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It turns out that I wasn't doing my .pk3 files wrong, because I have gone so far as to take some custom sabers that I have downloaded and just take out the orange_line.jpg, then change it and put it back in. When I did this, then loaded up the game, the orange saber was the default one, so why is it that the sabers other people make will load but mine won't? IM SO FRUSTRATED RIGHT NOW! I have been trying all day and I haven't gotten ANYWERE! ARGH! *bashes head repeatedly*

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Are you sure that your PK3 file has the right directories? I was fiddling with it for ages before I realized that the pk3 had to have the gfx/sabers directory.


I DONT sugest using winzip for this stuff, its a pain in the ass (why is it that all the sh!t programs become the standard?).

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Well I guess that it is atleast TRYING to work now, but now I get an error when I try to run the game, it says:

ERROR: filename length > MAX_QPATH ( strlen(prankstas/jedi outcast/jedi 2 outcast/jedi2/jedi2/GameData/base/gfx/effects/) = 76)

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when you zip it you shouldn't zip with full paths. your pk3 could be retaining full paths and that could be your problem. it should only contain the folders, no path information. the folder structure obviously should mirror assets0.pk3 else it won't work. but when you zip definitely turn off full paths. ALSO: for all you people who really need a good program for pk3 creating: WINRAR! in case you didn't realize winzip obviously sucks. that's why i use winrar now. compression technology is better, the options are better, plus: even for normal everyday usage, the rar format has a much better compression and usage than zip does. winrar is the way to go. i haven't had any problems with it ever. peace out.



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Hey man ive made qutie a few saber mods post the zip on here or email it to me on zak201@hotmail.com

as soon as i can get it ill have a look at it and see if i can get the bugger working for you man :) jsut make it available :) could jsut be a shader problem or problem with directories or zipping or it could veen jsut be your install of jk2 any ways it is leem have a look at it if it sitll doenst work after other ppl have had a look then its jsut a biatch:)


i woudlnbt worry man we all have our "difficulties" hehe always happy to help:)

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