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Artus Topside bug


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This bug was strange. I got through the whole mission without a hitch until the end. I had just shut down the force fields blocking the ion cannons and was heading out to take out the AT-ST when I noticed it was already gone. So I figured I'd just go back to the top level of the repair bay to go into the last door when I seen it was still locked.


I looked everywhere in this level and couldnt find anything I hadnt done. I never got a message saying I needed to kill the AT-ST (which is what I've read in walkthroughs it would say). So obviously it just glitched and some how the AT-ST just went down on it own or somthing.


I used the no-clip code to get passed the locked door in the repair bay to see what would happen and basically everybody was frozen even when I turned the no-clip off. Desann just stood there and didnt attack. Although when I tried to attack him he would *mechanically* block my shots causing me to get hit. From what the walkthroughs say you have no choice in this part but to let him take your life down, eventually making the cutscenes come up ending the mission. But in my case he would kill me but I would just die like normal and have to start over.


Anyone else have this happen? It stinks to think I may have to start the mission over or somthing to see the ending of this mission ;/

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I'm not sure what to tell you. I went ahead and took out the AT-ST with the first laser cannon chair I found. Considering that I only had 28 health and about 4 shield, it was difficult. First I got into the chair and swung it until it faced the AT-ST and then jumped out. After that, I would jump back in, fire a few shots and jump out again before his missiles would reach me. :eek:


D (loves SP) :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ran past the third AT-ST, arrived to the top and killed all of the troopers topside. I then proceeded to run onto the ion cannon platforms in order to get the AT-ST's attention (it had stopped in front of the bay at the end of the canyon and couldn't see me while I was manning the guns). Once I got its attention, I destroyed it using the stationary guns. I'm not sure if this is the situation that others have experienced, but it may be one of the reasons for the AT-ST "disappearance".



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