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Override for garbage route on Nar Shadaa?


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I'm stuck trying to get to Reelos' hideout in Nar Shadaa. I've jumped onto the garbage floater, then been scraped off and told, "I wonder if there's an override for this route."


Is there? Of course I've trying pushing, pulling, and sabering the traffic-signal looking thing near where the floater exits -- nothing seems to happen there. And I noticed a horizontal shaft just above the original route of the floater, but it seems to be just a hair too high to jump into. Am I just not trying hard enough? Or have I missed something local? Or do I need to go back to the beginning and look for some new button to press?


Assistance appreciated. *sigh*

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you have to force push that switch that looks like a traffic symbol. Since you've already tried that, it's most likely a matter of timing. The garbage floter you are on will come to a stop for a second just before it heads into the area that knocks you off. During that pause, or just before it, is the best time to push the switch. Also, make sure your aiming cursor is right on it. I hope this helps you out.

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