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Vader / Qui-Gon Light Sabres


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Actually, Kyle's saber looks a little bit similar to Qui-Gon's in design. Having been checked through assets0.pk3, I also found Desann's, Luke's and Reborn's saber hilts, but not Tavion's(or did she share it with Desann or Reborn?). It would be cool, if Raven made all these(plus one or two additional ones) available to choose from in MP to have more variety in conjuction with different blade colors already present. :cool:

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there is... Its a cheat though (not a hack, and cheat by the game designers)...


Yes, multiple saber models would be nice, such as Obi-Wan (old)'s, Lukes second (which actually looks just like Obi Wans, with different colors!), Luke's first (man, thats one tiny friggin handle!), Vader's, but I think people would complain too much about balance with having one like Darth Maul's... It would be too effective (although theres so few people in the Star Wars universe with sabers like that because theyre so dangerous to the user!).


And maybe there needs to be a saber realism mode, where its one hit kills, people don't just run around each other in circles trying to take slashes, and the duels are more like in the movies...

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I know that you can enable the double-bladed lightsaber on a server, that has cheats enabled



But I want the saber WITHOUT Cheats

Maybe it would be possible to do damage only with ONE side of the Saber... Then it could be balanced ;)

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...Or even come out with a add-on pack (copy protected) that enhances the jedi saber battles like the dual-saber...only with its own style. I think they dumbed down the controls for the masses.



The dual saber would also DAMAGE you as you use it...to keep you in check so you dont keep throwing and hacking around.


If they spent the time im pretty sure they could could do it. 2 on 1 with the sabers would rock but there are too many n00bs out there who lack the skill.


/me playing with my count dooku pimp-cain...er lightsaber

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it is possible to make the saber as real as the movies. in sp type devmapall or helpusobi 1 to enable cheats. then type g_saberrealisticcombat 3


this allows you to hack off limbs and stuff. slomo deaths are way cool when you just had your head hacked off.:jawa


in mp it can't be a pure server and cheats have to be on. also try setforceall 9 for 2 new stances and a cooler jedi mind trick that allows you to actually posses enemies.

happy limb removing!!


P.S. download the ladder map for lots of reborn realistic saber fun.

the 2 new stances are dessans and luke skywalkers.:fett:

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