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maul robe


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I'm pondering an awful lot of models right now, and Maul (of course) is on my list. But I think it's best to wait and see if someone makes a good Maul model first. He's very wanted, by me and many others, but my guess is that he's already in the works by someone.


As far as the robe is concerned, I'm not too sure how well it could be done. Robes will be difficult with this engine I think. Mon Monthma is not too empressive at all, and I really wouldn't be happy if I modeled something and it looked like that when animated. But maybe. There's an awful lot of talent out there, so keep your fingers crossed.

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I'm currently doing the Maul model... check Robed model for more info.


It's the uncloaked model... but after it's done I might just add the cloak if it's possible.


You can always wait for me to finish the Fett model and the robed model... or maybe someone will beat me to it :) Either way You'll get it. I'll start on it as soon as I can.



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