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The End *spoiler*


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I beat the game... it's great! Congrats to the entire team! But I really dislike the ending where..



You kill Desann, and it's over. I would've preferred if Desann had picked up the saber again, tried to kill Katarn, and let LUKE have the final kill...



Anybody agree?

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yeah i disliked the ending of JO too. ive had a hard time beating desann (with his level 5 grip where you can do nothing about it). so i had to stick to hit'n'run tactics, which worked pretty good. but nevertheless i took me many reloads (oohh... the century the "quickload" needs to get loaded) and many attempts to kill desann.

finally i did it, and what expects me? oh no, no final big bang or something, no surprise not even last words from desann... hes simply dead. too cheap an ending for my liking, considering the epic battle i had with him. but i dont know if luke coming in from the off would have pepped up the ending... darn that was a cheap ending! ("we mofos are going on vacation now! then we'll see what will happen (no hint to any possible sequel)")

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I was reallt disappointed by the ending too. I really expected more story development, but it seems like they kinda gave up on it after the first run in with a shadow trooper.


But then again I can;t think of a game withing the past couple years that I actually liked the ending. Even FFX ended kinda weak.

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I also didn't like much the ending. As others had said it could had more story development including an interversion of Luke.


Also I found that fighting Dessan was too un balanced. Either it was impossible to kill him in one way or too easy doing other things.


What I would like to had is a staged fight with Dessan. You know several rounds of sabering and force, then at the end stage Luke arrives and join the fight and together defeat Dessan.


frankly I was specting that Luke would join the fight but sadly it wasn't that way. :(



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I must be an oddball because I liked the ending. I especially liked the exchange between Desann and Kyle before their final duel. It seemed more human, more world-weary and realistic, than any of the exchanges we've seen between Luke & Vader or Luke & the Emperor, or even between Kyle and Jerec. It wasn't hokey like the confrontation between Kyle and Mara Jade (though I think it took some guts to put that ending on a shooter).


Kyle: "Maybe or maybe not. But at least I won't be alone. How about you?" That's not just a manicheistic good vs. evil speech -- that's maturity and compassion. The Light Side at its best.


The duel itself was a little too easy, I admit. Killing Tavion is much harder than killing Desann. What happened for me was: he got me in a force grip, but I had all my force power at the time, so I pushed back and knocked him down. I hit speed and was able to chop his head off before he got up. (On the "Jedi Knight" difficulty level.) If Desann used speed the way he uses grip and lightning, he'd be far more badassed.


Anyway, I like the ending. It's a thoughtful, "lapsed jedi having a midlife crisis" kind of ending. And if Luke were to be involved, I'd rather see Luke get whooped (not killed) by Desann because he's being a softie, and then Kyle gets to save the day by kicking D's butt with the gray side of the Force. :-)

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Guest Shadowen

I liked it, too. Just because the ending brought visions to my head of Jan in a swimsuit...:D


Actually, I thought it was nicely in character. I think it could have been improved a little bit if it had shown them boarding the Raven's claw and blasting off into a starry nighttime sky, and then throw the credits on, but that's just for cinematic effect.

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I would have like the endfight more if Desann didn't use lightning and grip so much.

Instead he could be un-hittable, he can block your every swing, until a certain point of the map (maybe another map then the one in the game) where something happens. Perhaps Luke joins in and you both kill him, or Morgan Katarn appears during a little pause and tells you how to kill him.

And I would like an end-boss that fights more like darth Maul. You know, fast and furious; not like Desann that does heavy-hitting swings that makes you fly across the room.

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No, I think Desann's fighting style was okay, going more with the Darth Vader epic-feeling than the quick moves of Maul (like Tavion?).


I had a hard time killing Desann too.... but after who knows how many quicksaves, I suddendly had him with three Heavy Stance strikes. Must be luck.


What I DID like as an ending to a fight: Tavion's ending. Kyle getting pissed and using the Choke! That was great. That's why I though the Desann bit would be even better. Somehow, I miss Luke's involvement a bit, whether his ass gets kicked or is kicking Desann's ass.

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Originally posted by EffJi

I would have like the endfight more if Desann didn't use lightning and grip so much.

Instead he could be un-hittable, he can block your every swing, until a certain point of the map (maybe another map then the one in the game) where something happens. Perhaps Luke joins in and you both kill him, or Morgan Katarn appears during a little pause and tells you how to kill him.


More on your idea, i think it would of been better if yes like you said desann cannot be killed at the start. But you have to last a certain amount of time, then dessan does an unblockable force push which slams you against the wall, and katarn gets angry as desann laughs(perhaps a cutscene from the push) and then it shows a fade of malcolms ghost upper body. He says patients, contorl your anger, yadda yadda yadda, bit of a yoda/obi1 ep4 speech. Then you can go ahead and kill him.

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