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Doomgiver help, disable shields??? NM found similar post.


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found the answer below in similar post. thx anyway.


>Ok, I've come to a dead end as far as I can tell. I'll try to >explain where I am.


>I have rescued Jan, and we split up, me to take down shield, >and jan to get escape pod ready. I've gone through and killed >everyone, I went up to the look out room and released the >beam thing so I can get into that 'thing' in the middle, I went in >killed everyone got the security key, but I can't find a security >door anywhere. Sorry about the horrible description, but >hopefully you'll be able to tell where I am in the game.


>So I've been running arround back and forth from beginning to >end, but can't figure out where to go or what to do, i'm sure it's >something simple that I'm just missing, but what?


>spoilers welcome, or hints.



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You should be able to open a room (thru one of the exits leading off from the thing with lots of tubes going off). There's a door just in one of these entrances/exits and theres a room (with a control panel) which can be opened with the key. Things should be clear from there. :)

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