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Call me sick, but i'd like to get some more dismemberment action when i hack at stormtroopers. I have it enabled in the menus, and also put seta g_saberRealisticCombat "1" in the jk2config.cfg . Still, i never get more than an occasional severed arm. Should there be more? Also, the seta g_saberRealisticCombat "1" things gets reset back to "0" when i exit the game and go back in. Any tips? I tried searching but it's disabled. Thanks in advance...

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All the variables in jk2config are written into the file automatically by the game. What you should do is put the seta commands in autoexec.cfg -- if there isn't one, then make one, it goes in the same directory.


Also, you can increase the value of g_saberrealisticcombat beyond 1, some people use 2, 3 or higher. I've only used 1 and I don't see any problems with it; I regularly decapitate people and slice guys in half. I guess on the higher values guys will fly apart when tapped by a lightsaber.

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Thanks, that works much better. Ultimately i discovered i also need to put the cheat-enable in the autoexec.cfg, so it's:


seta helpusobi "1"

seta g_saberRealisticCombat "1"


And now it's even more fun to use the light sabre :)



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hi all!


they way i activate the cheats is simply to place the following commands into my normal config files (NO autoexec needed!)


1) bind <key you want to use> "helpusobi 1"

2) bind <key you want to use> "g_saberrealisticcombat 1"


then when i load up the game, i PRESS the buttons WHEN I WANT! and i get the effects :PPP

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Can one of you post the contents of your Autoexec.cfg file in here?


I can make the file myself, but it might be easier for some people to copy the text directly from here.


So far I've got:



seta helpusobi "1"

seta g_saberRealisticCombat "1"



Is that all that the file needs to contain?

(thanks to the current contributors to this thread, I stole your code!)

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I think I read somewhere that you can set dismemberment up to 99. So I thought to myself, "25 should be a good round number to start play with." Everyone I touched got sliced into three or four pieces. It was way to much for me (and absolutely no fun!). As they say, "Like a hot knife threw butter." So now I am happily enjoying the game at level 2. I get several severed hands and arms, an occasional leg and when I swing just right, I get legs going one direction and torso going the other! Mad fun if you ask me! :) Have yet to slice anyone in half though vertically. Can you do that??


Also, in another post someone mentioned that you can set another string that will reduce the possibilty of slicing someone unintentionally. I think it's "setSaberProbabilties (0-99)" I have mine on 0 to reduce all the way. You might even be able to go negative, I don't know. I'll have to try it out tonight. Happy hunting!

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