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The First Light Saber?


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When I first got to the Temple, I knew the obvious had to be the answer but I could not get it to work. The obvious is what I am sure you have already figured out. You need to stand on the stone that the sinks. You'll be facing the cage holding your lightsaber, but of course it has raised, making your saber available. When you step off, the cage comes down, trapping your saber again. The obvious IS the answer. After the stone goes down, stand at the very edge closest to your saber (it won't go up until you step off of it). Force Speed your way to your saber, and keep hitting your Force Pull button until your saber is free. It's difficult to do (which is why I thought it wasn't the way to do the first few times I tried) but that's the only way. Good luck!

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I did it a <i>slightly</i> different way...


Step on the stone and then IMMEDIATELY step off again. Force Speed to the cage and quickly Force Push (or Pull) the Light Sabre which will block the cage from coming down fully and just keep pulling until it leaps into your hand.


I'm not sure it's the right way but then the path of the Jedi is full of uncertainties.


May the Force be with you.

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I wasw replaying that level yesterday, and I went through the procedure, pulled my lightsaber, but it did not appear in my hand. I thought, "great, it must be stuck in the cage" as that is what happened the first time I got it. So I turned around, and there was my lightsaber on the ground. So i pulled it to me, but because it was on a ramp, I sent it flying to the other side of the room. I spent another two tries "chasing" my saber around the room before I grabbed it. :saberb::D:rolleyes:

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