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help on Nar Shadda


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You're right, there isn't anything over there. You should have come across a floating tram near that broken catwalk holding a few enemies. The tram is free floating and moves in somewhat of a circle. It moves up to the next place to go. Hope this helps!

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Originally posted by UnrealJedi

You're right, there isn't anything over there. You should have come across a floating tram near that broken catwalk holding a few enemies. The tram is free floating and moves in somewhat of a circle. It moves up to the next place to go. Hope this helps!


Where?? I'm also stuck on Nar Shaddaa. There is a floating tram, but it's very far away and it's not moving at all. I'm beginning to think this is a bug or something.

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Can you get on top of that bridge?If you can't...

you need to get up on top of that bridge, look for a way to de-electrify the water. Get into the room with the window facing the water, you do that by blowing up the crate in the corner. Once in there, blow up the conduit leading to the water, this will turn off the electricity. Then go into the water and Pull out the bridge on the other side. Jump up on that, and then up to the top of that section, you're now on top of the room and the top of the bridge is nearby.



If you're already where you can get on top of the bridge....



If you can, over by the R5 is a control panel, hit that to bring a swing arm over.

Drop to it, walk to it's base, and Pull the other arm over.

Jump to it, then to the garbage bin, and then use Push to bypass the bin cutoffs.


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