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Which would be faster?


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Ive been trying to figure out which video card would run this game faster....the GeForce2Ti, or the radeon 7200. Ive found the GeForce4 mx 440 to run jk2 slower then the 7200, but my mainboard has had trouble supporting the card until recent updates by nvidia. I know that the clock speed is 155/155 for the 7200, and the gf2Ti surpases that, but im really not sure what to use, anyone used either card, or just wanna put there2 cents in? THanks.

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I'm really wondering why the GeforceMX line was even released. The damn things are pieces of crap. They are about as good as the Geforce 2 line. So don't bother buying them. Instead get yourself a nice Geforce 4 ti4600. Mmmm framerates above 120 at max resolution:D .

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Try looking for a GF3 Ti200, I'm running that now and I have all my settings cranked and it looks beautiful. The price should be close the the GF4mx cards, but all the GF3 cards rock over the GF4mx cards. I would Get the GF4 Ti4600 if I could afford the damn thing. :) Later DB

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