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Autoexec.cfg won't exec automatically


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The 'base' directory is the correct place to have it.


Assuming you created the text file in Windows, make sure that it is in fact named autoexec.cfg and not autoexec.cfg.txt. By default Windows will hide known file extensions, so you need to turn that off.


How do you know that the game is not executing your file? Do you have some binds or aliases in it that are not showing up in-game? If the file extension is not the problem, then maybe print what you have in your autoexec.cfg. There could be a syntax error in it.

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In my autoexec I have cfg file I made that works when I execute it manually. It just gives me some basic cheats like first off it does the helupusobi 1 and god and changes my saber color. Just stuff like that. Also, I have the hidden extensions turned off so it is autoexec.cfg. I'll try printing it though.

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The closest you can get (that I know of) is simply binding them all to one key. Whenever you load up a level, just hit that key and that's that. I use backspace for whenever I just want to wreak havoc on Ladder. :)


bind backspace "helpusobi 1; wait; god; give all; setforceall 5"


Put that in your autoexec and just hit backspace (or whatever key you chose) whenever a new level starts.

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