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Removing the (much hated) Flechette Gun


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Trying to set up a MP game with my buds.. problem is, we'd like to get rid of the flechette. Using the command string 'set g_weapondisable 512' SAYS it's disabling something.. but the damn cannon is still there. I tried /devmap, and the /devmapall tells me that the .blp (or whatever) files cannot be found. Any help out there at all?

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No kidding Polar... I've noticed that. Self-esteem issues, I would think. Question still hangs. How to disable a single weapon. :)


BTW, I don't know what your interpretation of 'whining' is, but to me, and most other people, I wouldn't construe anything I've said as whining. It's just a question. If you don't know, don't bother to reply. Especially if all you're going to do is insult people. You waste my time, your time, and db space.

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I dont know what command you can use but I do have a suggestion. IF it's just one guy ruining the fun, either kick him, or my favorite thing is to gang up on him. HAve an agreement with the rest of your friends that if he insists on using that gun, everyone else will team up (meaning not attacing each other) and hunt for the one not following the rules. This has two potential effects. 1) The guy stops using the gun cause he's sick of being everyones target, or 2) It can be a lot of fun ganging up on one guy like that.


I played a game the other night where there was an agreed on code of honor. It was something similar to the SC posted on this site which meant you couldnt attack anyone with their saber off, etc. (it was a saber only server as well). We did some of the massive battles but mostly everone prefered to do 1 on 1 battles. This one guy decided he'd play dirty and act like he wanted to duel, then wait for the other person to initiate so he could hack at them while they were making the challenge and couldnt defend. The rest of us got sick of it but instead of getting mad, we made the game all about going after that guy. We often went around in pairs so one could choke him and the other would hack away while he was being choked. We used a lot of other good tactics as wll and had a blast. The good thing was that even though he often complained, the target of our hunt seemed to be having fun as well. Eventually we dropped it (both ganging up on him and the honor code) when several other players joined who also didnt want to follow any code. I have to say that was one of the best times I've had yet on MP.

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