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Fan Made 17 minute movie...


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Okay, I just saw on the news this morning info about a Fan made Star wars movie that is now being hosted on http://www.theforce.net


It is set around episode 4-5, and is based on two Sith apprentices who try to flee the empire.


It has some really good looking Saber fights, considering the technology that they were working with (and only $5000, most of which was on food, spent in the making of it.)


Has anyone else heard / seen this yet?

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I watched the broken allegiance trailer and it looked pretty good. I was wondering, does anyone know how they make the light sabers glow like that? Do they make them blue like a bluescreen then have the computer make it glow or what?

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For this they actually used colored sabers, not white ones, probably to make it easier to color them and make them glow.. there was a large segment about it on the news this morning.


HappyDan, I agree, its no AOTC, or even A New Hope, but it is damn good for only $5000.

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