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How do I make Maps for Jedi Knight 2??


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Well, I'm an Anime and Star Wars Freak, so I thought about combining them into one sweet Package, all who watch DBZ should remember the Cell Games, I'd like to make the Cell Games Arena for a Free For All Map, but light Sabers only.


and somehow Impliment the rules of the Cell Games into the fight, Start off with a 15-20ftx15-20ft square ring, with 10 ft tall colemns on each of the 4 corners, Raise the Square Ring off the ground like 3-4 Ft, about 10-15ft around the Squared Ring with some type of instant death texture, so if your knocked outta the ring, the person who knocks you out gets the kill.


I want the ring to be primarily used for Light Sabre Duals, and maybe add a ring around the outter edge of hte level for spawning, with a long bridge that hovers above the ground just above the Arena, it won't be connected, but it's made so you gotta jump down onto the dualing floor, maybe even put a couple health/shield items on the dualing Arena's square so that the winner can recharge his sheilds between matches. :atat:

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