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map - Tatooine progress - 21 April


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D'akt: im not rushing, but i am trying to meet a deadline. The map is more or less done. im sort of stuck in a rut until the lighting problem is resolved.


its looking like i may be stuck waiting for JK2 support in GTK. Appearantly that is in the works. I would wet my pants if i got to use ydnar's q3map v2.0 to compile this thing. then life would be sweet.


anyway i'll keep you updated on my progress. thanks for the interest.



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Phew- thought I was the only one whos waiting for GTK :)


You did an amazing job Tems- I am really looking forward to both maps- I think the Tatooine still is my favorite!


So, hope the lightning will soon be fixed so you can release it :)


Hey, just remembered: What's about the sign?? :D

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ah yes. signs. there were many discussions in past threads about signage. i may or may not do signs. frankly i never saw any in the movies, so im a bit hesitant. if i do any signage it will be things that are engraved above doors, not separate pieces.


whats that font? it looks sort of like it could have been based on nepali/hindi, but not quite.


busy day today. when its over i'll do some more mapping.



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I want[/b[ to say it's the boonta font. But I'm not sure off hand. I have all sorts of "alien script" fonts from the SW universe if you ever need any of those Tems. Email me, or you can find me in #JediOutcast on GamesNet.

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Very cool work, as usual, Tems. ;) However, I'm wondering.. Gonna add a cantina (good ol' bar fights), because I'm thinking of making a rather detailed map, specifically based on the, or another (original) cantina.. However, I don't have time to make anything else, and if you don't have time to make a uberdetailed cantina, then we can slap them together. :p

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i wasnt planning on having the cantina. im assuming that this is a different city. additionally, i'd rather not have this map display something 'real', as it would be innacurate.


L2.0 likewise on the fonts. i have most of them, but i dont have that one.



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Erm, the font... erm let me check- Ah, ok it's called "akihibara" and if you want I'll upload it for you.

It's not really alien, since you can read it once you know that it actually is readable ;)

So, in the Technical Journal there are some Advertisings, but I think they are pretty bad as signs... I used mainly these graffiti-like what-so-evers, because the other signs just don't seem right for the mood.

Oh and Caedes: Look at www.durahcell.de , I hope you like it! (If not send me an email or a pm, with what to improve)


Tems, you really know that your cruel waiting to release that map, do you :D

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Tigris: cruel. bah humbug. :)


1) i want it to be as close to perfect it can be before im ready to give up mapping from frustration (almost there!)


2) it's being released as part of a map pack. there are still lighting problems on more maps than just mine, so yeah, its not entirely up to me when its released, so much as it is up to light when it wants to emit.



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my site's at http://homepage.mac.com/alwaysbe/ however its VERY empty right now. in fact i havent touched it since i started work on JK2 and i only made it a week before that. youd think as a professional webdesigner i'd have my own elaborate site. meh.


i'll update it this weekend w/ shots and such.


thx for the interest.




p.s. the next thread about this map (and the ATAT) will be in the mapping section. der.

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Hey Tems let me just say you do great work and i love the way the maps looking. Cant wait to see some new screenshots.I just have one question when do you think it will be done and ready to be released!!!But let me say it again great work!!!!

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Very, very, very cool. I'm way to far back to catch up, so I think I'll start working on an original cantina, based in the slums of Coruscant. :D


It looks great, can't wait to see all the details added.. Bottles, lights over the heads, etc., etc. I could just imagine to jedi breaking out into a bigass barfight. :>


-Darth Caedes-

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hello all. an update on the map. I've been working on and off on this. im concentrating my energies this week to get the ATAT map done for the wired lamp studios duel map pack. Tatooine will follow.


yes im still alive and mapping. thanks for the bumps.



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I am stressed, i am creating a map of the homestead but where Luke and Owen come out of the homestead in the first shot of them in Ep4 the building is dome shaped yet when i try to create a dome the top comes to a point and looks completely stupid. Please could you tell me how to do the domes shown in your map? PLEASEEEE!!! :tie::mob:

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