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controls mapping(best configuration?)


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How do you all configure your controls? I'm looking for a way to get all the key things close together so i dont have to reach across the keyboard to f1,f2,f3...etc for force powers and such. How have you all done your mapping? As of now the only thing i have done is made ctrl=jump, and straffing to be just left and right. I'm still thinking about how to do everything else. any advice is appreciated, thanks


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I personally use the following controls:



a=strafe left

d=strafe right

z,x=change force powers

f=use selected force power


q=use current inventory item

],[= change inventroy items

shift=change saber stance


mouse1=primary fire

mouse2=secondary fire

mouse3=saber challenge

mousewheel=change weapons


I'm a light side jedi, so i've bound the following keys to some light force powers that i use alot






Well, that's what i use

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like every1 else i reckon i have the BEST config for FPS, its so easy to use, and you can activate FORCE POWERS without a seconds fuss...


been using the same BASIC setup since DUKE NUKEM 3D, trust me this is best


games played using setup: DUKE NUKEM, TERMINATOR2, JK1, HL, CS,TFC, MOH and now JK2


its very flexable, A=FORWARD Z=BACK S=JUMP X=CROUCH


then the CRTL and ALt to sidestep


i use Q and W to throw grenades in CS and TFC, but have FOUND IT GRRREAT to use Q =F PUSH W=F PULL


finally i use the WHEEL MOUSE to select FORCE POWERS!



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good god,.... that has got to be the absolute worst conceivable layout possible, (lions)


it's illogical, and contorted,


E = forward

D = backward

S = strafe left

F = strafe Right

A = crouch

SpaceBar = Jump,

Shift = Use

Y = Chat

U = Team Chat

W & R weapon scrolling

Z&X force scrolling(that could be better, probably)

Q =screenshot


mouse wheel force push and pull,

one side button to activate force power(s) and the other to select the saber.

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river dude!


its your layout that makes no sense :-))


E= forwards is okay, but A= crouch? wtf mate


mine is greeeeeeeeat, i KEEP middle finger on A,Z to move WHILSt always being able to USE FORCE POWERS, JUMP, USE ITEMS without lifting hand away from the key board!!!


i also use my 5 button mouse to the MAX! using the mouse to WALK, SCROLL FORCE POWERS ETC :p


hahahahaha :p

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Here are the essentials for my config (which is constantly evolving):



bind e "+forward"

bind d "+back"

bind s "+moveleft"

bind f "+moveright"

bind SHIFT "+movedown"

bind SPACE "+moveup"



bind MOUSE1 "+attack"

bind MOUSE5 "+altattack"

bind h "weapon 13" //Thrown weapons

bind c "weapon 6" //Heavy repeator

bind v "weapon 8" //Flechette

bind 1 "weapon 2" //Blaster pistol

bind 2 "weapon 3" //Balster rifle

bind 3 "weapon 5" //Bowcaster

bind 4 "weapon 4" //Disruptor rifle

bind 5 "weapon 9" //Merr-sonn

bind 6 "weapon 7" //Demp-2



bind z "forceprev"

bind x "forcenext"

bind MWHEELUP "force_throw"

bind MWHEELDOWN "force_pull"

bind MOUSE2 "+force_grip" //Activates selected force power (lightning/grip/drain)

bind MOUSE4 "vstr forcecycle1" //Cycles btwn 3 force powers with each button press

bind r "force_rage"

bind t "force_speed"



bind g "weapon 1"

bind ALT "saberAttackCycle"

bind CTRL "engage_duel"



set forcecycle1 "vstr grip1"

set lightning1 "echo ^1LIGHTNING ^4DRAIN ^4GRIP; bind MOUSE2 +force_lightning; set forcecycle1 vstr drain1"

set drain1 "echo ^4LIGHTNING ^1DRAIN ^4GRIP; bind MOUSE2 +force_drain; set forcecycle1 vstr grip1"

set grip1 "echo ^4LIGHTNING ^4DRAIN ^1GRIP; bind MOUSE2 +force_grip; set forcecycle1 vstr lightning1"


The thing I don't like about your setup 3-Lions is that you need to use one of your movement key fingers to jump! Makes more sense to have all 4 (or 3) movement fingers free and jump with either your thumb or pinky.


By mapping forces that require a button hold (lightning, drain, grip) to the mouse, I again, free up my movement hand so my movement isn't inhibited while using these powers.

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