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Phr00ts Complete Guide to Sabering!


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This is no-where near as detailed as some other sabering guides out there (Artiefex), but it contains a few specific strategies for stance/attacks/force etc. Enjoy!



)))) Jedi Knight 2 Dueling ((((

By [DJedi]Phr00t








Welcome to the Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast Duelling Guide! I will be covering many and most aspects of the finer part of the game, Lightsaber Duelling. Let us begin.






Version 1.0: Finished writing entire guide on April 19, 2002 at approximately 11:15 AM.

If there are any errors, send me an email at phroot@shaw.ca








1) Stance Selection

1.1) Fast

1.2) Medium

1.3) Strong



2) Force Duelling

2.1) Ethics

2.2) Force Selection

2.3) Strategy

2.4) Advanced Moves



3) No Force Duelling

3.1) Ethics

3.2) Strategies




1) Stance Selection:


The use of Stances in Saber Duels increases the variety of attacks and defences at your disposal. The mastery of one or the rotation of three will confuse and discourage your enemy.


1.1) Fast Stance


The Fast Stance is a great tool for dealing with multiple enemies. It attacks quickly, efficiently, and never leaves you open for counter-attack. The downside is that you must strike your enemy 4 or 5 times to defeat them. The attacks in this Stance are close-ranged, quick, and hard to detect. Always remember that your Special Attack does more damage than the rest of your arsenal in this Stance. You may chain as many attacks in a row as you wish.

Pros: Speed, No counter-attacks possible.

Cons: Low damage, must be very close to enemy to strike.


1.2) Medium Stance


Using the Medium Stance is a great compromise of Speed and Range. The attacks in the Medium Stance are essentially the same as the Fast Stance, yet they are slower and more powerful. While attacking, you are open for attack rarely, but the possibility is there. You must make contact 2-4 times to defeat your enemy. You may chain 5 attacks in a row.

Pros: Speed, Low counter-attack possibility

Cons: Damage, Range, Attacks are detectable.


1.3) Strong Stance


This Stance is purely about Power and Range. You are able to reach out many time further than in the Fast and Medium stances, to cause more damage. The wide sweeping arcs of this stance can kill two or more people at a time. The Special Move in this Stance also causes more damage than any other move in the game.

Pros: Damage, Range, Multiple Kills, Special Move

Cons: Large potential for counter-attacks, slow, easily detectable and deflectable.





2) Force Duelling:


2.1) Ethics


This is the area where most duellers have problems understanding how it should happen. If you have ever seen the Star Wars movies, you know that Saber fights are not something Jedi jump into. There are a few procedures you MUST follow, unless you want to lose your reputation as a dueller :D


Force Duel Ethics:

If you have found a potential partner but the game mode you are in does not support individual duels, you must initiate it and Follow the Jedi Code of Conduct:


1. To initiate a duel, two Jedi must approach each other with their sabers holstered (press the 1 key).

2. To show respect to your adversary, it is customary to bow before you begin (duck and look down).

3. To begin, both players draw their sabers and count to 3. After this time, they may attack and begin the duel.

4. When the bout is completed, it is expected that you congratulate the victor or the defeated on a duel well fought. Saying "Good Fight" is enough.


Do not:

1. Do not attack someone who has their Saber holstered.

2. Do not Push/Pull/Grip your duelling partner off of cliffs or shafts. Using Push/Pull to knock down your enemy is acceptable in moderated use.

3. Do not interfere in other people’s duels. If it seems that they are only fighting each other, you may holster your Saber and watch from a distance.

4. Do not run away in search of health if wounded. You must stick it out and use Heal or Drain if you’re hurt, nothing more.



2.2) Force Selection


There are a few force powers that seem to be geared specifically towards duelling. These are Push, Pull, Drain, Heal, Protect, Absorb and Speed.

Each Jedi has his or her own style of Force. For example, someone can utilise Speed to Rush in for the quick kill right off the bat of a duel, or someone could last longer and use Drain or Heal to preserve themselves.

Here are a couple specific combos:


A) Pull/Push: The Jedi uses Pull and Push to knock down their enemy and Saber them while they are down. Not the most noble, but it works well.

B) Drain and Throw: The Jedi uses Drain to steal his enemy’s force power, and follows this up with Saber Throws. The enemy cannot force jump immediately after being Drained, therefore dodging or blocking the flying Saber is more difficult.

C) Protect and Absorb: These are for the players that take a few hits during a duel. Protect will save the Jedi a bit of health during a duel, and Absorb will counteract Lightning and other Jedi using Strategy A. The downside of these two powers is that they both constantly drain your force while in use.

D) Speed, Heal, and Push: The Jedi rushes forward with a speed burst and lands a few blows using the Fast Stance. If the enemy Jedi gets too close during the duel, he pushes his adversary away and Speed bursts upon him again. The Healing force is useful after the reckless swinging during Speed.




2.3) Strategies


As you would expect, most skilled duellers choose the Medium stance while fighting. It gives you average damage and also average range. There are many different ways to fight, and I will explain these to you for each stance.


Fast/Light Stance: (Blue)

A combination of strafing slashes and Saber throws works well with the Fast Stance. Catch the enemy using a slow heavy attack and throw a Saber at him, or rush in and strike him with a sidestep slash. There are several wall attacks you can also use if your enemy likes jumping. Begin at a standstill and strafe towards the wall. When you reach it, jump and your player will do a sideflip. If you hold attack while doing the flip, your player will slash in a circle mid-air, and follow this move by finishing with a strafe-like move as he lands. If you land this it will usually cause massive damage. It also looks impressive if you do.



Medium Stance: (Yellow)


Jumping attacks and baiting are your best bets here. Dive towards your opponent in the air, and expect him to either run to the side, or counterattack your slash. Overhead attacks are easily dodged, so attempt to use circular attacks and catch your enemy from behind. The wall attack for this stance is the same as the first part for the Light Stance, except it cannot be followed with a circular attack as you hit the ground. You may queue up to 5 attacks in this stance, so a combination of a jumping attack, several forward slashes and a couple circular slashes work well.



Heavy/Strong Stance: (Red/Purple)


This stance exchanges speed for pure damage. Two hits will usually kill any player, and three will kill those with shields. To utilise this stance, the Jedi must be good at baiting, timing and faking.


Baiting: To force the enemy to either follow you or to prepare him for the special move. This can be done by simply running backwards and hoping he follows you, or using a few fake moves.


Faking: To make your enemy believe you will do something but you do not. For example, run forward and attack with an overhead slash. Your player holds it above his head and begins to bring it downward. At this time, roll past your enemy as he moves to the side to avoid your strike. The Roll will cancel your attack, and allow you to get behind your enemy. A good next move is a kick to the back to knock him down.

If you see your enemy preparing an attack using the strong style and you are already in the motion of attacking yourself, you can roll at any time to avoid it. If you witness him performing the special attack, you may roll backwards and avoid it.


Timing: The secret to the strong stance is to make the best use of all your attacks. A wasted strong attack leaves you wide open for a counterattack. To avoid this, you must force the opposing Jedi to attack first, and as he is ending his attack, your begin your own. For example, if you witness an enemy Jedi using the special move on you, dodge to the side and attack him while he is recovering.



2.4) Special Moves


The object of any duel is to defeat your enemy before he has a chance to defeat you. Clear enough, but it isn’t always that simple. The use of special moves increases your damage and decreases the time it will take to defeat an enemy. These special moves are documented in the JK2: JO manual, but there is a bit of confusion around how to perform these moves.


Fast Stance: The Fast Special is performed from a crouching stance. If you creep forward while crouching and attack, your player will perform a fast upward slash that causes more damage than any other fast attack. It is useful for countering airborne attacks. Be careful doing this while moving, instead of crouching your character will roll.


Medium Stance: The Medium Special cannot be performed as reliably as the other specials. You must be close to your enemy. Begin by attacking once with any attack and before the strike is finished, jump. Your player will prod forward with the Saber, flip upside down and complete the attack by slashing with one hand. It does massive damage, and looks very smooth when you kill another Jedi using this move.


Strong Stance: The most damaging and useful of the specials. It can be performed in two ways, and will easily defeat your target. The attack is a strong, overhead diving slash that will kill any unshielded foe in one hit, and completely eliminate a shielded foe’s defence. You can perform this move from any upper level and your player will perform it until they land below, in a "Death From Above" fashion.


Method 1: Begin any ground attack on Strong Stance. When you feel that the attack is in the latter half of it’s animation, press forward and jump. It might take some time to perfect it, but once you get it, it is easy to perform it reliably. A good strategy using this is to run backwards and bait your enemy into following you. Attack while running backwards and perform the move. Your player will jump towards your opponent.


Method 2: Hop or Force Jump a little into the air. Attack before you reach the top of your jump, and do not let go of the attack button. While you are dropping, press and hold forward and jump. When you hit the ground, your player will perform the special attack. It does not work if you jump too high; you will have to experiment to find the perfect height.


As you can see, the possibilities for killing with this special are endless. While you are performing the move, you may look around if your enemy moves to the side. You can strike anyone with your Saber until you stand up completely, giving an extra edge to those with bad aim. Also, if your enemy jumps over your attack, there is the chance that the Saber will catch him as he goes over, and perhaps even kill him.




3) No Force Duelling


This is where the true players shine. When you are duelling without force, strategy, position and quick reactions take priority.


To challenge someone to a Non-Force Duel, walk up to them with your Saber holstered and press the ‘K’ key. If the game mode supports it, you will see a message on your screen that you have successfully challenged your opponent. If they accept, a white hue will surround them and the server will notify everyone of the duel’s initiation. You may use any stance, any attack, but no external force. The only two you may use are Throw and Jump.



3.1) Ethics


1. To initiate a duel, two Jedi must approach each other with their sabers holstered (press the 1 key).

2. To show that you wish to duel, you may taunt the enemy (bind a key to +taunt).

3. To begin, both players challenge the other, and the fight is underway.

4. When the bout is completed, it is expected that you congratulate the victor or the defeated on a duel well fought. Saying "Good Fight" is enough.


Do Not:

1. Do not run into the middle of a two other players Duelling. This distracts them and hinders their movements greatly, and it makes you look like a newbie.

2. Do not have your Saber ignited if you are waiting to duel the victor of the battle. Holster your Saber and watch from a safe distance.

3. Do not turn your duel into a Saber-throwing match. This is Jedi Knight, not MLB 2002.



3.2) Strategies


Initial Strategies: These are ways to begin the duel to attempt to get an edge and a few quick hits on your enemy.


1. Saber throws and Sidesteps. Hold down the second mouse button before the “Begin” message appears. Sidestep and run forward after you throw your Saber to avoid any diving strikes by your enemy. If the attack was successful, you will drain your enemy’s shields and be close enough to follow your attack with a few light or medium strikes.

Stance Suggestions: Fast, Medium

Adversary Skill: Use this when you’re duelling an average or below average player.


2. Defensive: Begin the duel by crouching and not attacking. Your player will enter a defensive stance and protect you from any thrown sabers or jumping attacks. While you are crouched, it is impossible to take any damage from throws if you are facing the projectile. Counter your enemy’s attack with a jumping or sidestep attack.

Stance Suggestions: Fast

Adversary Skill: Use this when you’re duelling someone who is very aggressive, an average to above average player.


3. Strong Special: Begin the duel by running backwards. Attack as soon as you can, and try to bait your enemy into following you. If he does, perform the Strong Special to either kill him or severely weaken him. Follow up your successful attack with a few Fast strikes to dispatch your enemy quickly.

Stance Suggestions: Heavy followed by Fast

Adversary Skill: Use this against an average or below average player.


4. First Strike: The goal in this style is to attack your enemy head on to distract him and place him on his heels. Start by dashing forward or jumping, attacking constantly with the Fast stance. If you are lucky, or begin the duel close to your enemy, you will make contact and cause a few points of damage. Follow this up with a horizontal Strong attack to finish him off.

Stance Suggestions: Fast followed by Heavy

Adversary Skill: Average


5. Jumping Attack: If you have watched your enemy prior to this duel and you witness that he jumps often, begin your duel by attacking mid-air. If your enemy jumps when you do, he will not expect you to meet him mid-air; he will think that you will stand still. When you land, continue your attack with a Light Special or a few Medium horizontal attacks.

Stance Suggestions: Fast, Medium

Adversary Skill: Above Average





Interduel Strategies: After you have landed a few blows with your initial attacks, use a couple of these to reduce the enemy Jedi’s health even further.



1. The Tornado: The basis of this stance is the forward+sidestep moves that can be performed in Fast or Medium stance. If you attack once, hold attack and run diagonally forward, your character will spin in a circle and attack simultaneously. In Fast Stance, you can do this move indefinitely, and in Medium you may do it up to 4 times in a row. Dodge your enemy's attacks and slash him from behind with a regular attack. Switch into the "Tornado" and hit him from the side and from behind.


2. Cutting a Man in Half: Select the Strong Stance after you have finished your initial move. Sidestep directly to one side and attack. Your player will slice horizontally with the Saber in a large arc of massive damage. If you landed a few initial blows, this will kill him. If you miss, you may finish your attack by going straight into the special move.



3. Relentless: Use the Fast or Medium Stance. Dive directly at or behind your enemy and attack furiously. You will land a few blows and cause damage. It is advisable to toss in a few kicks (Run up to your enemy and press jump) here and there to knock your opponent down, but be advised that kicks do not cause damage in duels.


4. Patience: Wait for your enemy to attack. If he is known for using the Strong Special attack, be wary and hang back. When there is an opening to attack him, use either the Strong Special or the Fast Special to injure him. He will become frustrated and turn very aggressive. That is your chance to catch him off his guard with a few Fast attacks.




If any of these are successful in striking your enemy, you will most likely kill them. If not, rotate your strategy to use another and defeat your enemy.









That's all for now, If there is anything missing or if you feel the need to correct me, toss me an email at phroot@shaw.ca




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