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gave pw...ruby, now stuck


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I think I know where you are....


You're at the end of a long tunnel that had auto sentry guns on tracks above you and a bunch of sniping Rodians. There was a Weequay beyond the glass at the end of the corridor, the glass is to the left of the door, and is on an angle.


You'll notice the glass has a big crack in it. There is a switch beyond the glass, you can Force Push it through the crack, and that will open the door.




After I re-read your post, you go down an elevator, and there are actually BARS in front of you, with some Weequay beyond and a couple of sniping Rodians? If that's the case just saber the bars. They'll bust open allowing you to move through. Then you can follow my spoilers...

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Be more descriptive.


You've found Lando in the cells, and gotten the password.

Now you've still got to find Reelo, which is where I thought you were heading towards in the last couple of posts.


You made it into the big room with the ceiling turrets, and saw the cutscene with Reelo, right? You passed by that after fighting the Weequay and Rodians, and made it up to Reelo's office, right?


By this point you should have ALREADY been to see Lando, you must have, to get the password to get that far.


There is a switch at Reelo's desk, hit that, and you should see the force fields in the detention block go down. Then backtrack and meet up with Lando. There's a shortcut to the cells in a secret area by Reelo's office.

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