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third lvl FPS drop


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Does any one else geta MAJOR FPs drop on the 3rd lvl when they are outside? My Pc is only just in the regs to play the game (Yeah I know I need to update) and other then when 3 or 4 doors pen at once I never get any fps drops online or offline untill I got to the thrid level and now I can hardly even move outside (took be 5 minutes to walk 3 steps earlier >.<) Any one know how to fix this without having to upgrade my PC?

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Originally posted by Ryouga

Does any one else geta MAJOR FPs drop on the 3rd lvl when they are outside? My Pc is only just in the regs to play the game (Yeah I know I need to update) and other then when 3 or 4 doors pen at once I never get any fps drops online or offline untill I got to the thrid level and now I can hardly even move outside (took be 5 minutes to walk 3 steps earlier >.<) Any one know how to fix this without having to upgrade my PC?



Yes, I generally ran under 30 FPS outside that bar and in the swamp. The things that will help the most is details, turn off all effects and lower texture detail, turn geometry to low, etc... Nothing is going to make an older PC fly on those levels, but a few may make it bearable/playable.....

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