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defensive strategies


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I don't fully understand how the saber works when on the defensive i.e how to block effectively.


Personally I use the medium stance the most and switch to fast when I need to block shots from gun totting - obviously not with the whole Jedi thing - people.


I am not really interested in the Force power strategy has I think I have this worked out. I just don't fully understand how saber blocking works on the different stances.


Any help would be grateful and kudos to all those kind people spending there time donating gameplay strategies and advice to others (thumbs up)!


ge good ..

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There are really only 2 ways to block incomming saber swings.


1) face your opponent and dont use force powers or swing. AS long as you arent doing anything you should block a good share of the swings. You can block while moving but not as well. This will only work some of the time since some swings can get through especially if your opponent is using the strong stance. It's a good idea to max out your saber defence in the player setup.


2) get out of the way. This really isnt a block as much as a dodge. IF you move to one side or back from an incomming blow, it will miss you. Either that or you wont get the full force of the blow and can more easily block it.


Saber Defense is an automatic thing so ther really is no good way of doing it. The only real trick is that the stronger the stance you use, the better the chance you have to block/parry. I've found that it's a much beter strategy to learn the ranges and speed of each attack for each stance so you can time your dodges better. IF you can move out of the way before a strike hits, you dont have to worry too much about whether or not you can block it.

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Originally posted by ACGe0rge

The only real trick is that the stronger the stance you use, the better the chance you have to block/parry.


I was always under the impression that the Blue stance whilst being a bit lightweight on damage had superior defence capabilities. If Red stance has the best offense and defence, what on earth (or Hoth) are the other stances for?

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The overall theory with the stances is that blue is weakest and fastest, yellow medium, and red is strongest and slowest. The strength of each stance counts for offence AND defence. Therefore, it is easier to block if your stance is the same or stronger than your opponent. The real benefit to the blue stance is that it can better block blaster fire. Also, it's quick moves are very effective against opponents using guns since theydont have sabers to block with.

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me thinks AC is on point. Sure I usually use medium in a duel however because my offense in red sucks!! I can't get used to that slow swing!! Anyways to the original poster..remember to put points in saber defense as well. The highwer the rank the more effective autoblocking is.

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I've found that effectively blocking is more than just facing your opponent. I've had the most success blocking any attack from any stance when I place myself in a way that would best brace the attack. The best way to to describe this is to describe what I do for a horizontal attack. When being attacked by a horizontal attack, I position myself to meet the attack and face the direction the SABER is coming from. Meaning, if the saber is coming from the left side, I face a little to the left to meet the attack. This works 100% of the time. It is also excellent for countering spins, as you just angle yourself to accept the spin (unless they are really predictable... then just duck and snag thier legs).


For vertical attacks, that is when a slight sidestep is suffecient, but still keep facing thier blade. You can usually get a horizontal swing or two in before they finish the move... whether or not they hit depends on if they are smart enough to move out of range.


Naturally, timing is of key importance. I also tend to fight mostly in the medium stance and try to be as stable as possible. I rarely jump or role (I do find rolling to be a good counter for DFA, however). The less you are running, the more defensable you are. If you ask me, successful sabering is by being patient and waiting for an opening.

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