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How do you cling onto walls?


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I saw in the preview movies Kyle could run accross walls and hang on to them. And I know a review said that you could for a short time run accross walls matrix style.. How do you actually do that in the game? I went through all of single player never learning how to do it, and the manual didn't explain it either.


I apologize if this has been asked before, but I searched the first 5 pages and couldn't find a thread on it, so I'm asking in a new thread. If there is a FAQ or another message asking the same thing, please link me to it.

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Would Right/Left in your case be 'turn' or 'strafe'?




Does this make him run a few steps accross the wall, or hang onto it?


You run up the wall for a few steps and then hop down, if the wall is a ledge you can continue strafing towards the ledge and you'll hop on to of it.


And I assume it only works in 3rd person?


Correct, you also need Level 3 Force Jump.

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