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The blood patch + instructions


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If some of you are having trouble getting dismemberment to work, I have created an autoexec.cfg file that goes in the base dir that will automaticly enable dismemberment, increase the probabilty of it happening, and will also disable auto-aim, i HATE auto-aim because it is too twitchy.


And NO, blood patch does not work in MP.


And the blood patch does not need translating, the menu options are pretty self explanitory.


If you really need the readme or the options translated,..go here...

Google.com has a german -> english translator.





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Originally posted by Usurper

And the blood patch does not need translating, the menu options are pretty self explanitory.


If you really need the readme or the options translated,..go here...

Google.com has a german -> english translator.






yes MOST of them. but not all. some of them left me saying"wtf???"


once its translated into english, it will most likely be something so simple, its stupid.


next time i go to the liberry, i will pick up a germen dictnionery(sp?) and hand translate it.(google and babble fish, are almost 100% nasty)

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