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Aurra Sing Model


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If you use the link above you'll need to scroll down a way to see them. (not a 56k friendly page)

or you can see her here http://www.geocities.com/bdimonkey/Table.html


For those who dont know, she's a female bounty hunter who once trained as a Jedi. She left the Jedi order and now spends her time working as a hired killer and collecting lightsabers from the Jedi she slays.


I've still got her sensor implant to add, but I've decided not to add her jacket to the model. Lots of little tweaks are needed and a whole bunch of poly optimization is required before she'll be ready for mapping.


For those not familair with low poly modelling, no she is currently not skinned, I have simply coloured certain faces in max to emphazie her character.


hope you like.

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Sure Danica you can skin her, but I'm hesitant about uvwmapping her and releasing a skindev kit until Raven release the tools to get her in game.

She has still got to be segmented and ravens skinmaps are very bizarre, so there may be all sorts of strange requirements that I'll have to adire to.


Anyway you can be sure I'll post a thread in here containing a sdk for her when the time comes.


James thanks, but the minotaur wouldnt work well in Jk2. I'd have to do total custom animations for him (17000 frames) and I beleive you need Mirai to animate the models for Jk2. (which I dont have) :)

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