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A Use for Trip Mines


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Good news for those who like heavy explosives!!!


I found a new place to use the Trip mines. I know people have been complaining that they're useless, but trust me, the work great here. On the Bespin Platform, before you ride the elevator up and open the door to where Tavion awaits, go to the door that leads to the landing pad. Now, place your mines all over that hallway right in front of the door. There's more in that storage room nearby. Anyway, go up the elevator, kill the baddies..... When you flip the switch to unlock the door, the Stormies will come running in and hit the mines. I blew there plastic butts to kingdom come! It also thinned out the crowd *before* I came back down the elevator. I musta killed 7-8 Stormies. So, for those who wanted to blow something up, or just wanted someplace to use those :swear: mines, there ya go.

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I've actually found several good places to use those trip mines. I admit that I dont think I ever used them the first time through the game, but on2nd and 3rd times, found them very useful. They become really important when you try playing on the harder difficulties.


I've played a lot of games that had mines and other booby trap weapons int hem. I almost never used them in any game. This is probably the first game I have found them somewhat useful.

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I find the det packs a little more useful. At Cairn Bay, when you first enter the huge area with the giant force field, two Stormies block your retreat. Plant a det pack there and kiss em goodbye.


Excellent idea, MasterJoel, I'll have to remember that on the next time thru. When I came back down the elevator, they were Imperials all over the place. I tried Force Speed, Push, etc. and it took me a long time to survive that (on Master Level). I try not use force speed against troops unless I'm greatly outnumbered. Force speed just makes it so easy to kill them.


In that same area, there's a bunch of trip mines already set up, some of them high. I thought they were there for you to set up those floating sentry droids (forgot name) but I was never able to use them to set anybody up.

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I've been going through the game a second time, on Jedi Knight level now, and I've actually found a few places where the tripmines come in quite handy. For instance (***SPOILER***), in Artus Mine there's a part where you go through a hangar full of parked AT-STs to a room full of troopers and officers in order to retrieve a key. On the way back out, two elevators on opposite sides of the hangar come down simultaneously, full of more troopers and officers. After dying in this spot a couple times, I decided to plant several trip mines and a couple det-packs by the elevators before entering the small room (there are a couple pickups of trip mines in the hangar, which I suppose are for exactly this purpose). Of course, you could only do this if you knew ahead of time what was going to happen... kind of cheap, really.

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