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I have a FreeBSD 4.4 machine with these specs:


PIII 450

192Mb RAM

10mbps LAN connection


Currently it's running a 14 player dedicated CS LAN server, but I'm in the process of setting it up so it alternates between CS and JKII(via cron). I downloaed the unofficial linux binary, and I have full linux emulation working(RH7.1 package), but it's giving me an ELF binary type "0" unkown error.


Anyone had any success running the JKII dedicated linux binary in FreeBSD? Thanks.


nm, I'm an idiot, RTFM, right in the damn readme.txt. So it's working now.


How many people/bots could this setup handle btw?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by miha_nedok

I'm running 4.5-STABLE with linux_base7.1 and i get this:


50355 mike 64 0 71464K 3180K RUN 0:48 98.40% 89.50% jk2ded


jk2ded just goes crazy upon startup. Any ideas ?


I've run the server on 4-5-STABLE using the same Linux compat libraries with no problem. post the script/ command line you are using to call the server, as well as your .conf file..

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