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Skinning troubles

Lord -=[FBF]=-

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OK, heres my problem:

Ive made a skin (my first) for the Swamptrooper model, which will eventually be a part of a BIG TC for JO based in the Warhammer 40K universe. The catch is, while it appears and is selectable from the Setup screen of the Multiplayer game Main Menu, when the level has loaded and the screen where you can set up force powers or change your model, the icon disappears and it reverts to the first model in the list. The skin runs fine in ModView and doesnt appear to be missing any files, based upon the other skin PK3s i have looked at. So, can anyone help? What might be causing this?

Thanks in advance!

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save the images, names arent really important, then change the model_default.skin so it points to the new images (use notepad). then, rename the folder from jeditrainer to jeditrainer2, or whatever you want, and that should be it. remember to include a icon_default.jpg for its icon, but as far as i know that should work. thats what i did with mine (except i just saved over the swamptrooper images. after all, they're still in the pk3). Course, as Im having trouble getting this skin to work, my advice may not be the best to follow, but thats how i did it, and how that tutorial by the Ravensoft guy said to do it, vaguely.

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