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Help with Final level - getting to Desann


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I'm having a hell of a time trying to get to Desann. I've seen the mirror trick and the fake wall with the death pit on the other side..... went down the other hall and put the fire out which

leads me to the hole in the floor.


Where I am stuck is after jumping through the hole in the floor

and pushing the 3 symbols on the walls that slide backward. I've been told that there is another symbol on the wall somewhere else in this level that will get me to a room of crushers of some sort, and then to Desann for the final fight...


I can't find that final symbol to get to the crusher room.... if this is correct could somebody please give me a hand past this point???



Thanks very much




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I'll try to explain as best I can,


You fall down the hole, there is a symbol infront of you, to the left, and to the right, if I'm not mistaken, if you "push" the symbol infront of you and to the left of you(I don't think the one to the right matters) and you go either straight ahead or to the left when the blocks move to clear the path, either way you should be go in a cirlce and end back exactly where you were, but on the insde wall(the one you circle arround, there should be another symbol to push.


I hope that makes sense, took me a while to find it, just have to look around.




| __*__ |

| |-----| |

| |____| |_______






ok there's a really bad diagram, H= the hole you jump down, and * is the missing symbol located on the south wall.

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