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I got a dev response!! Woot!!!


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I got this in e-mail - I hope they are okay with me sharing it here:


"Keep checking http://www2.ravensoft.com/jedioutcast/ for developing details. I’ll see what I can do about putting up a “what we’re fixing” document.




Kenn Hoekstra

Project Administrator/

Director of Support Services

Raven Software Corporation





Check out the page, they just released SDK tools!


OMG... :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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One word... sweet :)


I'm just glad to hear that they are still working on the game. It would be a shame to leave the game forever at 1.03, not that I hate it... this game just has SO much potential!


Thanks for the update NewBJedi, I'm glad someone is willing to keep us informed on what is going on. Thanks Raven too, if you are reading this :)

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