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Having some trouble with JK2Radiant..


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I've used GtkRadiant and WolfRadiant previously, just FYI. So I'm not a total newbie. I've been having some problems with a few things though. Namely, the mp_entities.def file. Doesn't seem to load properly. No matter what I do I can't seem to get it to load, and thus can't place any player spawns, etc. The singleplayer entities works fine, but I wanted to start off with a multiplayer map before getting into SP. (Switching project files doesn't seem to change this. SP works, MP doesn't.) Little help?


Also, another thing: the texture preview window.. apparently JK2Rad is having some trouble either accessing or loading the preview images for some (if not all) textures. I typically will just get the default texture (blue and black box thing) instead of looking at the texture proper. Any idea why that's happening?




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Well, first of all, could someone please explain the total lack of a multiselection feature for surfaces? This makes texturing simply ANNOYING.


Also, I extracted the models and such from the assetsx.pk3 files, and I can't get them to load, in radiant or in game, with the misc_model function. Finally, the bsp compiler you included with the tools seems to be screwing over texturing in some spots, AND for some reason I'm getting brushes that are marked as solid acting as if they're NOT solid (i.e., I can walk through them).


I'll see if I can get some pics up so you can see what I mean about this texturing problem..

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throw some pics up and ill take a look.


what ive done for texturing when i foudn this problem is i just do that in GTK and then open it in JORad. Prolem with that is the caulk/clip texs have different names.



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(About the problem with entities not showing up on multiplayer maps)

Start JKIIRadiant,

Click on File,

Project Settings,

Now, under Entity path, often there is only mp_entities.def or sp_entities.def written, while it should be



Worked for me...

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Originally posted by Gonkish

I'm getting brushes that are marked as solid acting as if they're NOT solid (i.e., I can walk through them).


A brush being solid depends on its texture, and not the fact that you use it as solid in the editor.

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I had the same probem with textures, then found out there was a double slash in the project settings inbetween gamedata and base.. shouldn't be a problem normally, but it was here..


Anyway, if you have any kinds of trouble check all directories in the project settingsm, that should fix most of it

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seems like you guys are breaking more stuff trying to fix a couple of things. If you installed to where they said to install the gamedata directory... then gamedata\\base is needed because the \\ is same as ..cd in dos and sends you up one level in the directory tree.


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