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Editing Tools Q&A


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Alrighty...if someone can figure this one out, I'd be mighty impressed.


Along the lines of "unable to make a bsp" file -- whenever I go to compile (using Fast, Full, whatever) I get the following error:

System Error
The Keyboard driver specified by the KEYBOARD= line in the [386Enh] section of 
the SYSTEM.INI file is incompatible with the current version of Windows.
To correct the problem, run Windows Setup again.


Uh...WTF? I've personally checked the SYS.ini file ... no problems there. Went searching through my HDD for the keyboard file ... no problems there ... not a single other program has ever given me this error (and none of them do as of right now, either) ... I've uninstalled and reinstalled JK2Radiant several times (both with and without manually deleting registry entries) ...


Umm ... so ... good luck (and THANKS in advance!) to anyone who can help me out with this!

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I still get that "there is no base" error.


And I have double checked those project settings, those paths are correct. And yes, i have notices that fix for entity path.


Maybe the problem is that i haven´t installed JK2 into default directory?

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Ok, so here´s what my "StarWars.qe4" -file contains:




"bsp Relight (1/2 LM)" "D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -bsp -onlyents $ && D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -light -extra -samplesize 32 $"

"bsp Relight" "D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -bsp -onlyents $ && D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -light $"

"bsp Novis (nolight)" "D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -bsp $"

"bsp FastVis (nolight)" "D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -bsp $ && D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -vis -fast $"

"bsp FastVis(1/2)" "D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -bsp -samplesize 32 $ && D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -vis -fast $ && D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -light -extra -samplesize 32 $"

"bsp FullVis (lowmem)" "D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -bsp $ && D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -vis -nopassage $ && D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -light $"

"bsp FullVis (lesmem)" "D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -bsp $ && D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -vis -passageOnly $ && D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -light $"

"bsp FullVis (nolight)" "D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -bsp $ && D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -vis $"

"bsp FullVis (extra)" "D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -bsp $ && D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -vis $ && D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -light -extra $"

"bsp FullVis (1/2 LMs)" "D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -bsp -samplesize 32 $ && D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -vis $ && D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -light -extra -samplesize 32 $"

"bsp FullVis" "D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -bsp $ && D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -vis $ && D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -light $"

"autosave" "D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\\base\maps\autosave_sp.map"

"rshcmd" ""

"mapspath" "D:\Jedi Knight 2\GameData\\base\maps\"

"entitypath" "D:\Jedi Knight 2\GameData\\Tools\SP_entities.def"

"texturepath" "D:\Jedi Knight 2\GameData\\base\textures"

"remotebasepath" "D:\Jedi Knight 2\GameData\\base"

"basepath" "D:\Jedi Knight 2\GameData\\base"



And I get this message when I use -fullvis command from the menu:


Running bsp command...


D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -bsp D:\Jedi Knight 2\GameData\\base/maps/perse.map


D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -vis D:\Jedi Knight 2\GameData\\base/maps/perse.map


D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -light D:\Jedi Knight 2\GameData\\base/maps/perse.map



D:\Jedi Knight 2\GameData\Tools>D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -bsp D:\Jedi Knight 2\GameData\\base/maps/perse.map


SoF2Map v1.0c © 2000 Raven Software Inc.


---- BSP ----


usage: sof2map -bsp [options] mapfile


(some commands here)


D:\Jedi Knight 2\GameData\Tools>D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -vis D:\Jedi Knight 2\GameData\\base/maps/perse.map


SoF2Map v1.0c © 2000 Raven Software Inc.


---- Vis ----


usage: sof2map -vis [options] bspfile


(some commands here)


D:\Jedi Knight 2\GameData\Tools>D:\JEDIKN~2\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -light D:\Jedi Knight 2\GameData\\base/maps/perse.map


SoF2Map v1.0c © 2000 Raven Software Inc.


----- Lighting ----


usage: sof2map -light [options] mapfile


(some commands here)



Run time was 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds


And this error message I get when I try to use "sof2map.exe -all perse.map" -command in dos mode.


SoF2Map v1.0c © 2000 Raven Software Inc.


---- BSP ----

SetQdirFromPath: no 'base' in D:/JEDIKN~2/GameData/Tools/perse.map


Ok, tell me, is my paths correct or is there something wrong?


And sorry about the lenght of this message :p

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Ignore my above post, the notes are there (I had only looked at the weapon_saber entity when I posted).


Although, does anyone know how to change the colour of the saber before you pick it up. (start with no weapons then when you pick up the saber it is automatically green, say) I have tried putting a "key: color, value:green" key on the entity but it doesn't work.


btw I know about the console command to change it ingame but I just wanted to save time.

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Every time i try to load any textures other than the shaders it give me:



JK2RADIANT caused an invalid page fault in

module <unknown> at 0000:00000003.


EAX=00000000 CS=0167 EIP=00000003 EFLGS=00010202

EBX=0549d27c SS=016f ESP=0399e63c EBP=0399e6f4

ECX=0000803f DS=016f ESI=0549d27c FS=8f5f

EDX=00000000 ES=016f EDI=05a06fd4 GS=0000

Bytes at CS:EIP:

00 00 04 00 00 16 00 6b d0 00 04 00 00 65 04 70

Stack dump:

0434ccee 05a06fd4 00000000 00000000 3f800000 0399e678 04c12800 0549d2e8 00000000 00000000 043733b8 00000001 0399e6b8 00000000 3f800000 00000000


and then makes me close the program, anyone know how to fix this?

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If you are having the problem compiling and getting no bsp try this. Note that this is only for the 'quick popup' no bsp and not the 'crash' no bsp. But ya never know try it.


Make sure none of your directories have spaces for your installation. NAMELY, THE STAR WARS JKII JEDI OUTCAST, is too long, rename the directory OR reinstall the game (SWJK2 or something). In JK2radiant, make sure all your paths are correct in your project settings. Viola! You should compile now.


PS, removing the two // for folder directories is NOT a fix, make sure those are in there. If reinstalling your tools will fix this.

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Originally posted by Evil Robot

QERadiant just crashes for me - it goes to the "unnamed.map" main screen and doesn't proceed any further. I have to Ctrl-Alt-Delete out of it. Any suggestions?


System Specs-

1.4 GHZ Pentium 4

512 MB RAM

GeForce 2 MX

Win 98

<--- Win98 is your problem. You have a very powerful system, get windows XP Pro and you will be MUCH happier, trust me. My system is nearly identical to yours and i use windows XP with the greatest of ease, performance, and stability. Windows 98 crashes for no reason..... when XP crashes, which is rare, its usually for a reason and you can *always* control alt delete out of anything.
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so what elements of the game can we actually alter at this point with the existing tools?


Can we alter the physics?

The GUI?


weapon::: models/animations/projectiles/damage/ROF/accuracy?


What about pickup items, can they be replaced and code-tweaked?

what about the AI?

Can per-pixel bullet holes be drawn on enemy models if a modder chooses to do this?


If someone could give me a brief lowdown of what can/can't be done out of this list i would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

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Hi im new to editing with radient as im sure many of us are.


My skys will not emit light and i cant (or dont know how to) place prefabs like the x-wing and chairs and statues...


How does it all work, cause im in the middle of a bespin rooftop map, and i need the skys to work for me before i release it. Also the place looks a little bland... thats why i need some sorty of prefab.


Could someone help me ive posted three threds allready and have gotten no response.




Thanks, Ravenous180

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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1. to the person who posted their QE4

Remove all double backslashes and it should work


2. Does anyone know how to include NPCs in a multiplayer map?


I want to include some non combat bots (that always spawn)

and some bots which will attack any player or player spawned bot

and use both Emplaced guns and AT STs in my multiplayer map


3. I've posted this elsewhere on here but, I can't load a MP map I've made, it drops me to menu instead of loading - but will run if I devmap it (from within the pk3 not my map directory)


4. On multiplayer maps, and most maps SP or MP or my frankenstein patched SP/MP hybrid I've created so far, the light level has been almost non existent - and I've included light entities and tried fiddling with their brightness with no luck


Can you set the base map brightness with the worldspawn?

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Originally posted by Ravenous180

Hi im new to editing with radient as im sure many of us are.


My skys will not emit light and i cant (or dont know how to) place prefabs like the x-wing and chairs and statues...


How does it all work, cause im in the middle of a bespin rooftop map, and i need the skys to work for me before i release it. Also the place looks a little bland... thats why i need some sorty of prefab.


Thanks, Ravenous180

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


Um, you dont want to place a "prefab" you want to place an md3 glm or a model, try using entities to do that - I'm not entirely certain of the procedure, yet, but its doable


As for lighting I can't help, i'm having problems myself

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I know that for your map sky to work properly it has to be a shader, but as with all of you, i can't figure out how to do them. I've done my map exactly how the tutorials say, but for some reason when i load the sky textures none of them are shaders.


Thanks for listening and could someone please answer my question.:3headed:


and one more question, how do you add a driveable ATST to a map, i'm a n00b when it comes to mapping so sorry if my questions sound dumb.

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Ok, now here really is a stupid question:


How to move around in the 2D windows (NO, not the Camera Window)? I can move around by click-draggin an object but that's to hard sometimes (if there are really large objects). So what?


And a not so dumb question:


How to make doors?

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I'm trying to create some shaders using shaderED2 and keep getting "Error 12 ... unexpected token line 1" what's the prob?

Does any body know where I can get some info on creating shaders from jpgs or a tutorial?



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I don't want to make a new map, but I would like to use an old map, and create a new 'game' in it.


How do you put in a npc in the map (no cheat, but just a game map), and create actions form wich new events acure and all sort of that stuff.


Maybe somneone could explane this to me, or could point a link to an editor wich can help me.

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Originally posted by [OKD]Mangopork

<--- Win98 is your problem. You have a very powerful system, get windows XP Pro and you will be MUCH happier, trust me. My system is nearly identical to yours and i use windows XP with the greatest of ease, performance, and stability. Windows 98 crashes for no reason..... when XP crashes, which is rare, its usually for a reason and you can *always* control alt delete out of anything.


I have a P4 2.0

256MG DDR Ram

GF 2 MX 200

Win 98SE


Are you trying to tell me that my system is too powerful for win 98. Maybe 2k would be a better solution because XP is almost too powerful and robs system resources. My 256 Ram would be like 128 (exaggeration I know) with XP as it drains like 10% of your system resources just to run itself. Damn, new software always make you have to beef up your system!

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