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Some noobie editing questions!


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Hi I have some noobie editing questions that are probly very simple. I'm new to editing and want to learn it so I can make my own things for the game! Please give me as much info as you can about each question. I'm very interested in this!


1.What are shaders? What is the shader editor/viewer? What is its use?


2. Why are there 2 different model files? .MD3 and .GLM Is one a "classic" quake 3 file and the GLM a ghoul file? What are the big differences here and do I need different compiling programs for them? Are they differnt to edit in a model editor?


3. What are CAR files?


4. Where can I get some SIMPLE editing tutorials for JK2 Radiant. I tried learning the editor for Half-life when it was popular but got so confused and disgruntled I gave up :(


5. I have tried editing some skins and I find it hard to understand what parts are what and where they are going. Are there any tutorials for this?


6. How do I use the carcass program? Don't you use the run command in the start menu to use this? What are the commands for it and where can I see them?


7. What kind of cheese do you like?:D


Thanks, Sorry for the noobie questions.



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1.What are shaders? What is the shader editor/viewer? What is its use?


Shaders are textures that contain animations, like burning fire etcetera. They are also used to prevent the engine to draw certain parts of it, like a grate, or give light.


3. What are CAR files?


They contain the skeletons of the models (i think)


4. Where can I get some SIMPLE editing tutorials for JK2 Radiant. I tried learning the editor for Half-life when it was popular but got so confused and disgruntled I gave up :(



Tutorial section.


5. I have tried editing some skins and I find it hard to understand what parts are what and where they are going. Are there any tutorials for this?


Use the modelviewer then it is easy to find out which part belongs where.

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