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Style Fighting


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*warning*Slightly verbose.


I am rather new to JK2(i've had it for 3 days now). I have learned nearly all the moves, most attacks, and many rolling/flip tactics for evasion/attack. I have recently decided to try and learn to fight(and win) with style.(Don't ask, I am odd.) Low level Forces in Saber duels and Saber FFAs make this greatness a possiblity.


Upon practicing it a little yesterday I learned its rather effective. I was in the duel pit map and my opponent was on one of the lower platforms. He jumped one platform up just as I did, and when he jumped towards the top platform I ran up the wall(switching to strong-stance while going up it) whipped around when falling behind him, ducked and swung killing him.


Another great tactic is the wonderful wall backflip attack. When you are backed into a corner and have jumpforce above base you can(as most of you know) run up the wall and jump off with a minor backflip. While you do this you can also swing. Although its not really controlable, its rather damaging if they don't do a DFA from WAY above or they arn't ducking under you(it doesn't quite attack in a full 360 degrees).


These moves arn't really hard to pull off and they are more useful than I think people give them credit.


A few others I have come up with are:

The Medium Stance jump attack. It is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to control, but 1 hit takes over 25 shield and 100 hp(ya, its insane). I think this is because if it hits once it will hit again cause of the spin, but still that = +1 score to you in a duel with 1 move.(a rather cool move too)


The Strong attack lunge can be manually made into a 360 degree tornado of fury. I came upon this little tool-o-satan when my opponent was down to nearly no life and I was nearly full and he resorted to Strong Lunges as a last ditch. He did some backflips up the platforms in duel pit to keep an eye on me and then Lunge attacked from the top one, when I tried to dodge he just kept aiming for me and ended up going nearly 360 degrees and slaughtering me. All this move requires is that you do a lung attack, have mouse sensitivity rather hight(at least above half, otherwise you can't do a 360 turn without picking mouse up and repositoning unless you have a large desk. I personally have mouse sensitivity at -- far from max. Anyway, you lunge attack and SLIDE that mouse to the right or left as if imps of the devil were trying to lop it off. It looks straight up wicked and does Uber damage. And with the AOE(area of effect) the attack has in an FFA you can take out people nearly half a square away from your saber with it to. GREAT group killer.


Thats about all I have had time to come up with but I will clue you in on anything else I learn.


Soth :jedijawa:

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I think nearly everything has been said about moves, attacks, defends and saber tricks . I have seen a hole bunch of guides now and what ur saying isnt new:)


I know there were a biiiiiiig guide on moves, attacks, defends and saber tricks some where on this forum and it were a pretty darn good one indeed. I cant find the link at the moment, mayb some else can. Anyway this is a good site for information -




Nice thought tho





good guide!

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Originally posted by Summo

If that was the case then this forum may as well close right now.


I got this funny feeling this forum isnt going to close just because the forum gamers have revealed "all" the moves:D

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