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Spiderman the movie skin


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thanx for the comments


when i created this skin the software was not out.


and i have sent the superman skin to jediknight2files.com


but its not there yet they must be going through everything then putting all skins and maps etc in one go

oh yeh if i took the neck chain away he would have a seethru gap there.







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that's not bad.

although, there are some issues to mark:

well, the model does not fiit the skin perfectly but you put it quite well on it.

some colors seem wrong, as already pointed out: the red could be a bit more crimson and the blue could tend way more into dark blue/black.

what it lacks is details. take a one pixel airbrush and go in and paint details like folds, structure and maybe a little bit of damage and dirt here and there to make it come alive.


nevertheless, it's a good start. try to get something more casual done as skin and normal cloth, metal and so on. it's always funny to paint gorey things, too :)

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yeh thanx considering the fact that the ears and eyes and mouth were showing, i just took the chance and tried it and boom it worked,


a little show of the ear here and there.


Ps did you try my superman skin,











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