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Duel MPmode is great, but...


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...why is every duel-server set to 10 min or so per round? it doesn't make any sense and even less fun.

the cool thing about duel MPmode is the more tactical approach to a duel. here you have to study your opponent's playstyle, when he's dueling other competitors, before engaging him. when you play for 10 min the whole duel get's one big fuzzy mess and no one can remember the cool moves in which you killed the superiour opponent. not to mention the players have to wait for 30 min to play.


my suggestion is to set the round to a max of 2 kills. this way you play in a best out of three and will have a more tournamentlike playstyle to it. even the spectators will get more into spectating instead of just sitting and wait for their turn (which takes forever).


i believe the Duel mode is the one to carry JK2 MP in the long run. it's a very exclusive MPmode and needs to be taken serious. no other game has a unique mode like that (Severence came close).


so please, all the server-admins outthere. set the winningcondition to a few kills instead of a lot of minutes.


does this make any sense to you guys?

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What I have found is servers set up as duel servers dont have this problem. There is a 1 kill limit for each round an usually a 10 round win limit before a map change. The problem is when a FFA or other server gets voted to being a Duel server, all the original FFA properties stay in tact. That means if there was a 30 min, 25 kill limit for the FFA game, there will be a 30 min, 25 kill limit for EACH ROUND in the Duel game. This means that the othre playes in the server have to wait till one of the first pair of duelists kill the ohter 25 times (or the 30 min time limit passes) before someone else gets to play. The other gun thing about when this happens is that the observing players cant call a vote to change back to FFA (or what ever the game originally was) once these problems are discoverd. On top of that, the only 2 that can vote (the 2 actually dueling) are unable to see the observers chat and have no idea what everyone else wants to do.


My advice, before you join a duel server, check the server details to see what the kill limit is. Also, if you are on a FFA server where everyone is dueling anyway, dont vote to make it a duel server or you will have to wait forever to get to play. I'm hoping Raven will fix this in any upcomming patches.

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