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Ok..I was just looking at the animations for jkII using modview and I noticed that there is an animation for a cartwheel!?!?I've never seen anyone do a cartwheel before. How do you do it? Theres also an animation for the side spins move that darth maul does in episode 1...and one of the character driving something?? What are all these animations? What are they for...I've never seen them used in a game.

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The cartwheel is only available to the NPCs (non-player-characters).

You can see it being executed by most jedis who oppose you in the single player mode. (mostly the reborn ((hooded jedis))


Watch the sparring jedis at Luke's academy for a while.

They are pulling it off, time and again.


There is a cartwheel mod available. You can get it at massassi.net




The "side spins move" ?


I assume you may be referring to the head-over-heels downward-slash !?

You can do it by pressing forward + attack + jump while an opponent is in front of you. You need to be in medium offensive style (yellow)



"character driving something"...

I do not know what you mean.

Could be an animation Raven planned on using but had to drop.

It often happens that features are dropped from a game but can still be found in the game's code.

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