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NS-hideout : help please (cant find Lando..:()


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Ok this question might have been answered several times, I even read about it, but it didnt really help me.

Looking for the way to find Lando to get the password for like 2 days now and i am about to give it up.


I read about catwalks (not that theres only one...) , about turrets about crates...jesh theres tons of them :)


If anyone would be able to explain as detailed as possible how to get to Lando from the room where you need the password, I would appreciate it really.


I have also been at the top floor of the room with no bottom, theres also no way to go, no crate to shot nor a mystical crawlway (the crawlway is what I absolutly not know where it should be )



Please help, or the dark side will catch me :p

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From the room where the eye asks you for the password...


There's two doors in this room, one at the bottom of a ramp that goes down. In that room are a couple of Thermal Detonator tossing Grans. There are holes in the floor as well, kill the Grans, drop into the holes. Go down the LONG hallway with sniping Rodians in little wall niches, and up the ramp on the other side.


Keep going up that ramp, you'll pass an area on the right with some crates that opens into an area you were in when you first arrived on the level.



Keep going up, look for a grate in the wall on your right. Cut your way in, go to the end and look down. There's an explosive crate there, destroy it.


Go back to the ramp, and back down the ramp to the area you just passed. Take out the enemies there, then drop down, go through the door into the area you've been in before, but now there's a hole in the wall from the blast. Go into that area and DOWN the ramp to the doors at the bottom. This is the prison area. Poke around there and you'll find Lando.



IF YOU'RE CURIOUS ABOUT THE "MYSTICAL CRAWLWAY", I think you mean the area with the Garbage bins you move about by Force pushing and pulling them. The one is accessed from the main area where the garbage smashers are. There's a control room in one of the back corners. The door in the wall beside it with the white light leads to a room with an unbreakable glass wall and a lot of crates. In the back of this room there's a crate on the floor you can pull out. When you go to the back of the corridor, you'll find a garbage bin. You can force push it, but it doesn't go far, it's banging against another cart on the other side.


From the room with all the crates, the one with no bottom, you have to cross to the other side, through the door, follow the hallway around, and then that should lead you DOWN a long ramp to where another garbage cart is. You Force Pull that one, then go ALL the way back and Force PUSH the first one, and it will move out of the way. Then there's a small corridor you can go down, where you have a Rodian to kill and have to Force Push the switch to open the door. That will put you under the area with the Thermal detonator tossing Grans mentioned earlier.

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