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Help with JORadiant!

Guardian Omega

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First of all I'm not a mapper, but about the 'water splash sound f/x' if you go to Yavin CTF map and stand on top of the Imperial/Rebel signs...and move back and forth, you will hear that very same sound.


I'm thinking maybe its a bug in the coding?












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I have the same problem as JH. It looks to me like JK2Radiant is sending the wrong command line parameters to sof2map, but I really can't tell for sure. Basically, there is no BSP after running the compile because it doesn't actually compile. Here's the output:


Running bsp command...

C:\PROGRA~1\JK2JED~1\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -bsp C:\Program Files\JK2 Jedi Outcast\GameData\\base/maps/second_room.map 

C:\PROGRA~1\JK2JED~1\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -vis C:\Program Files\JK2 Jedi Outcast\GameData\\base/maps/second_room.map 

C:\PROGRA~1\JK2JED~1\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -light -extra C:\Program Files\JK2 Jedi Outcast\GameData\\base/maps/second_room.map

C:\Program Files\JK2 Jedi Outcast\GameData\Tools>C:\PROGRA~1\JK2JED~1\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -bsp C:\Program Files\JK2 Jedi Outcast\GameData\\base/maps/second_room.map  

SoF2Map v1.0c (c) 2000 Raven Software Inc.

---- BSP ----

usage: sof2map -bsp [options] mapfile

  -v               // Verbose output for world model

  -threads n       // Set to the number of processors in your system

  -verboseentities // Verbose output for submodels

  -notjunc         // Do not add in vertices required to fix t-junctions

  -nosubdivide     // Don't tessalate surfaces or split surfaces for fog

  -nowater         // Removes brushes with a content of water or lava

  -nofog           // Don't split drawSurfs for fog

  -nocurves        // Do not parse patches

  -nodetail        // Removes brushes marked detail

  -fulldetail      // Make detail brushes structural

  -vertexlighting  // Make the whole map vertex lit only

  -showseams       // Show the seams on the terrain

  -samplesize n    // Set the lightmap pixel size to NxN units

  -chopsize n      // Set the chop size of the map (default is 1024)

  -leaktest        // Quick exit if the map leaked

  -onlyents        // Only update entities

  -expand          // Writes out expanded.map which is 16x original size

  -rename          // Renames the misc_model shaders to append them with _BSP

  -fakemap         // Writes out fakemap.map as all the brushes without entities

  -tmpout          // Prepends "/tmp" to the .gl output file

  -tempname name   // Used with remote bsping (Do not use)

  -glview          // Write a .gl output file

  -draw            // ??

C:\Program Files\JK2 Jedi Outcast\GameData\Tools>C:\PROGRA~1\JK2JED~1\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -vis C:\Program Files\JK2 Jedi Outcast\GameData\\base/maps/second_room.map  

SoF2Map v1.0c (c) 2000 Raven Software Inc.

---- Vis ----

usage: sof2map -vis [options] bspfile

  -v               // Verbose output

  -threads n       // Set to the number of processors in your system

  -distancecull n  // Set the distance cull (overriding the worldspawn value)

  -fast            // Enable fastvis

  -nopassage       // Use portal based vis (instead of passage-portal)

  -passageOnly     // Use passage based vis

  -merge           // Attempt to merge leaves but not through hints

  -nosort          // Do not sort by portal complexity

  -saveprt         // Do not delete portal file on exit

  -tmpin           // Prepends '/tmp' to the input filename

  -tmpout          // Prepends '/tmp' to the output filename

C:\Program Files\JK2 Jedi Outcast\GameData\Tools>C:\PROGRA~1\JK2JED~1\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -light -extra C:\Program Files\JK2 Jedi Outcast\GameData\\base/maps/second_room.map 

SoF2Map v1.0c (c) 2000 Raven Software Inc.

----- Lighting ----

Extra detail tracing

usage: sof2map -light [options] mapfile

  -v              // Verbose output

  -threads n      // Set to the number of processors in your system

  -notrace        // Don't cast any shadows

  -novertex       // Don't calculate vertex lighting

  -nogrid         // Don't calculate light grid for dynamic model lighting

  -nosurf         // No tracing against surfaces

  -patchshadows   // Enable calculation of shadows for patches

  -border         // Adds debug border to lightmaps

  -extra          // Enable super sampling for anti-aliasing

  -extrawide      // Same as extra but smoothen more

  -area f         // Set the area light scale to f

  -point f        // Set the point light scale to f

  -samplesize n   // Set the lightmap pixel size to n x n units (Default 16)

  -dump           // Dump occlusion map

Run time was 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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